Less Is More…At Least When It Comes to Consumption – Economists want to raise awareness of sustainable consumption
Every year the latest phone model, the fifth pair of stylish brand sneakers, an expensive bottle of wine every night. Consumption can take many forms …
The Courage to Take a Risk and a Passion for Innovation – Alexander Kritikos is a researcher and teacher at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and at the University of Potsdam
An expert on the Greek crisis, Alexander Kritikos is frequent commentator for newspapers, television, and radio. Although Kritikos was born in Munich, …
The Thinking Club - Scientific network researches political struggles over new forms of transnationalization
The world is in flux: money is becoming digital, people are highly mobile, and the economy is global. As a consequence, some say, politics has turned …
About two thirds of all Europeans and over three quarters of Germans now live in cities…and their number is continuously increasing. Urbanization is a …