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News from the University of Potsdam

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Björn Huwe and Annelie Fiedler made the moss fit for space. Foto: Annelie Fiedler

Surviving in Space – Why There’s Moss on the ISS

All the lights on campus are off. Only in Björn Huwe’s office a screen is flickering. The biologist is sitting at his desk in the institute building …
Equipment for EEG experiment. Picture: Thomas Roese

A Window to the Brain – Potsdam Psycholinguists Research Multilingualism

It began with the 1961 German-Turkish recruitment agreement. Many young Turks, who had initially come to Germany as temporary guest workers, ended up …
Cultures are exposed to light of different colors in this incubator. Picture: Andreas Klaer

Factories of the Future – How cells become producers of medicine and biofuels

The term is an oxymoron: synthetic biology. This field of research has been developing very rapidly for some years now, in which biologists, chemists, …
Smog over Hong Kong. Picture: Pixel

Post-carbon futures – Making the City of Tomorrow

About two thirds of all Europeans and over three quarters of Germans now live in cities…and their number is continuously increasing. Urbanization is a …
A highlight for geoscientists. The Andes have everything that’s interesting in geology. Photo: Andreas Bergner

Solid Relationships – Research cooperation between Potsdam and Argentina expanding

The Andes are an Eldorado for geoscientists: The South American mountain range is one of the earth’s youngest and most active ranges, making it one of …
Two levels of fluvial terraces overgrown with vegetation. Today’s riverbed lies a few meters lower than during the time the fluvial terraces were formed. Picture: Taylor Schildgen

On Precipices – Landscape Response to Climate Change

Landscapes change over hundreds of thousands, even millions of years. Tectonic events and erosion create mountain ranges and remove them again. The …
“In the past the only possibility to interfere into local politics was to go the polls,” Franzke says. Voter turnout, however, has been continuously decreasing for years now, the researcher point. Picture: Christian Schwier/Fotolia

“Not Without Us!” – New forms of participatory democracy enrich local policy

Water cannons roll, batons are swung, tear gas is in the air. The Stuttgart Palace Gardens have changed into a place of violence, chaos, rage and …
Hönicke has gathered more than 2,500 ticks over the past three years. Picture: Daniel Rolke

Field Research – The influence of environmental parameters on the infection risk of Lyme disease

They aren’t only bloodsuckers. Ticks can also be dangerous, transmitting serious diseases like Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). The …
Various legal fields - be they criminal, competition, anti-trust, or intellectual property law - fall under the purview of media law. Picture: Sören Stache

New Legal Territory — Legal scholars analyze media-related issues

Her private life has often been disseminated in tabloids, but Caroline von Monaco—Caroline, Princess of Hanover since 1999—has consistently taken …
Stefanie Krüger and Professor Taubert in the lab. Picture: Karla Fritze

SpiderMAEN – Prof. Andreas Taubert and his team of chemists “spin the silk” from gene to material

SpiderMAEN is the current project of Prof. Andreas Taubert – alluding to the well-known comic superhero. The professor and his research group are not …