Since today is Sunday and we cannot do a lot, we take the opportunity to walk to a small supermarket very close by. We get many new impressions of the …
A Window to the Brain – Potsdam Psycholinguists Research Multilingualism
It began with the 1961 German-Turkish recruitment agreement. Many young Turks, who had initially come to Germany as temporary guest workers, ended up …
Factories of the Future – How cells become producers of medicine and biofuels
The term is an oxymoron: synthetic biology. This field of research has been developing very rapidly for some years now, in which biologists, chemists, …
About two thirds of all Europeans and over three quarters of Germans now live in cities…and their number is continuously increasing. Urbanization is a …
Solid Relationships – Research cooperation between Potsdam and Argentina expanding
The Andes are an Eldorado for geoscientists: The South American mountain range is one of the earth’s youngest and most active ranges, making it one of …