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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Amitabh Banerji. | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

DIY Science Experiments – Chemistry Education Lab Inducts Learners into Hot Research Topics

They measure, test, record, and present their results. In approximately 300 German student labs, as their national association estimates, about half a …
Marvin Dogue. | Foto: Kevin Ryl

Professional with a profile – Marvin Dogue is a professional athlete and has been studying business administration at the University of Potsdam since the winter semester 2017/18

As a modern pentathlete he loves variety. His sport is the most important thing for Marvin Dogue – his studies and leisure time come second. …
Part of everyday life - tablets at school. Photo: Fotolia/Syda Productions.

Striking a Balance – Educationalists develop concepts for modern elementary school teaching

Simply using laptops and smartphones in class is not modern education. But these new tools also cannot be ignored. This is the balance Prof. Dr. …

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 20th 2017

 October, 20th – Ibadan Today is the last day of our Nigeria adventure. We eat a last breakfast at the alumni restaurant, before we say goodbye to …
Osun-Osogbo-Hain. Photo: Valerie Pobloth/Isabel Dückert.

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 14th 2017

October, 14th – Ibadan „Spirituality is not about race, it is about soul.“ Priestess Doyin about her mother Susanne Wenger. Today is a very …
At the Museum of National Unity (MNU). Photo: Isabel Dückert/Valerie Pobloth.

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 13th 2017

October, 13th – Ibadan Today we explore the history and culture of Nigeria and visit the Museum of National Unity (MNU) in Ibadan, which exhibits an …
Tanzeinlage auf der Yorùbá-Party. Foto: Isabel Dückert/Valerie Pobloth.

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 11th 2017

October, 11th – Ibadan Today we meet the students of the Linguistics Department and we are really looking forward to mingling with our colleagues! …
Ibadan. Photo: Isabel Dückert/Valerie Pobloth.

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 10th 2017

October, 10th – Ibadan After a couple of days, the campus starts to feel a bit like home. Slowly but steadily we know our way around and develop our …
Beobachtungen am Straßenrand. Foto: Isabel Dückert/Valerie Pobloth.

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 7th 2017

October, 7th Lagos, Nigeria – Ibadan, Nigeria Ready to drive to our main destination, we are meeting Professor Dr. Igboanusi a friend and colleague …
Apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Trauth (left) and his students. Photo: Karla Fritze.

“You can do more with Legos” – What do plastic building blocks have to do with a university course?

A practical course with Martin Trauth is packed with high-tech: infrared and ultrasound sensors, gyroscopes, magnetometers, multispectral cameras – …