Cosmopolitanisms in the Plural – The University of Potsdam Launches the Research Training Group “Minor Cosmopolitanisms“
The Enlightenment took place in 18th-century Europe – or did it? Prof. Lars Eckstein and Prof. Dirk Wiemann, Anglicists at the University of Potsdam, …
Hasso Plattner Institute becomes University Faculty – First privately financed faculty at a public university
Minister of Science Martina Münch, together with Oliver Günther, President of the University of Potsdam, and Christoph Meinel, Director and Manager of …
Multitasking in Old Age – A study researches the connection between balance and thinking
The University of Potsdam. Campus Am Neuen Palais. A bright 28°C. Today I’m going to be a test subject in a study on “the connection between movement …
Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina
The „StRATEGy“ Fieldschool 2017 into the fold-and-thrust belt of the southern central Andes and the Neuquén basin was very important for us - in many …
Underway in the Andes – March, 12: The unconformity
Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina
We continue southwards within the fold-and-thrust belt of the Neuquén Basin. We find a striking layer of gypsum within the “Huitrin” Formation of the …