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News from the University of Potsdam

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Photo: Karla Fritze.

Hasso Plattner Institute becomes University Faculty – First privately financed faculty at a public university

Minister of Science Martina Münch, together with Oliver Günther, President of the University of Potsdam, and Christoph Meinel, Director and Manager of …
MRT Scan from a brain. Photo:

Multitasking in Old Age – A study researches the connection between balance and thinking

The University of Potsdam. Campus Am Neuen Palais. A bright 28°C. Today I’m going to be a test subject in a study on “the connection between movement …
Photo: Lydia Olaka.

Underway in the Andes – March, 14: Conclusion

Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina

The „StRATEGy“ Fieldschool 2017 into the fold-and-thrust belt of the southern central Andes and the Neuquén basin was very important for us - in many …
Three geologists in their natural habitat. Foto: Sibiao Liu.

Underway in the Andes – March, 13: Encounter of the Third Kind

Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina

On todays agenda is another round trip: from Cutral Có via Zapala, Las Coloradas, "Laguna Blanco" and back to Cutral Có. After a brief overview of …
Crossing the Neuquén River. Photo: Henry Wichura.

Underway in the Andes – March, 12: The unconformity

Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina

We continue southwards within the fold-and-thrust belt of the Neuquén Basin. We find a striking layer of gypsum within the “Huitrin” Formation of the …
A landscape that is known as in movies about the wild west. Photo: Henry Wichura.

Underway in the Andes – March, 11: In the Wild West

Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina

We are planning a 200 km round trip around the “Cordillera del Viento” (the cordillere of the winds) and  through the geology in Mapuche territory. …
An eroded volcano and folded sediments along the "Ruta 40". Photo: Henry Wichura.

Underway in the Andes – March, 10: Volcanoes, folds and oil

Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina

Today we continue along the fold-and-thrust belt within the Neuquén basin and further south to Chos Malal, the ancient capital of the Neuquén …
The fossils (ammonites) at 3000 meters altitude are witnesses of an earlier sea. Photo: Henry Wichura.

Underway in the Andes – March, 9: Fossils in the late summer snow

Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina

We are leaving Mendoza and drive to the South along the famous “Ruta 40”, the longest road in South America. Today we are heading to Malargüe and the …
Julius Erdmann. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Free the Web – The Tunisian Revolution Reflected in Social Media Images

At the beginning of 2011, Julius Erdmann saw that many of his Tunisian friends were using the country flag as their profile picture on Facebook. Why …
Enigmatic Seedpod of native plants. Photo: Henry Wichura.

Underway in the Andes – March, 6-8 2017: „Show and Tell“ in San Juan and Mendoza

Travel Journal: Doctoral Students on an Excursion in Western Argentina

We are driving from Rodeo to San Juan. No stops are planned for today but we enjoy the beautiful scenery and geology from the bus. We have to be in …