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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Silke Leimkühler. Photo: Karla Fritze.

No Life Without Iron and Sulfur - Prof. Silke Leimkühler coordinates the DFG Priority Program “Iron-Sulfur for Life”

The strong presence of German working groups at international meetings on enzymes with metal centers gave Silke Leimkühler the idea to develop a …
The crispy dog treats look a bit like peanut puffs. Photo: Karla Fritze.

The Early Bird Catches the Worm - Nutritionists develop an insect-based dog treat

They are a healthy, protein-rich, and very common food in Asian and South American countries: Crickets, mealworms, and locusts enrich the daily diet …
Phewa Lake, an attraction of Pokhara city. The lake was dammed by rubble from the high Himalayas. Whether this was a consequence of major earthquakes in the Middle Ages is not yet clear. Photo: Oliver Korup

On Shaky Ground - Geoscientists analyze silent witnesses to historical natural disasters

The Himalayas are the tallest mountain range on Earth – and one of the most active, growing by about a centimeter a year, which regularly shakes the …
Prof. Dr. Elke Dittmann. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Old as the Hills and Still in Top Form – Cyanobacteria are survival specialists – and the research focus of Elke Dittmann

It could have all turned out differently. Looking back, Prof. Dr. Elke Dittmann attributes her success in becoming Professor of Microbiology at the …
Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan: The jagged canyon reveals sediment layers of former oceans. Photo: Guillaume Dupont-Nivet.

Looking into the past and the future - Geo-researchers investigate prehistoric climate changes

The poles had no ice caps, and the sea level was 100 meters higher than today. 66 million years ago, when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, most of the …
Looking for geological traces: Bodo Bookhagen working in the field. Photo: Bodo Bookhagen

The Long Path to Excellence – Geoscientist Bodo Bookhagen speaks about working on the cluster application

April 3 was the big day: Those universities that wanted to apply for a cluster of excellence within the framework of the Excellence Initiative of the …
In the Himalayas  Photo: Bodo Bookhagen

Below the Surface - The University of Potsdam submits interdisciplinary application in earth, life, and climate sciences to the Excellence Strategy

The earth’s surface is the habitat of most plants, animals, and humans, providing the resources that even make life possible. Knowledge of how …

A Once-in-a-Century Event - PhD Students of the Research Training Group “NatRiskChange” Examine Braunsbach Flash Flood

According to climate experts, the summer of 2016 – from a global perspective – was the hottest summer since weather began being systematically …
Laboratory mouse. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Different Among Equals – Researchers study deviating behavior of laboratory mice in hopes of developing a skin model to replace animal experimentation

Since 2002, animal welfare has been included in the German constitution as an objective of the state. The sheer number of prizes awarded since then …
Photo: Pixabay.

Cosmopolitanisms in the Plural – The University of Potsdam Launches the Research Training Group “Minor Cosmopolitanisms“

The Enlightenment took place in 18th-century Europe – or did it? Prof. Lars Eckstein and Prof. Dirk Wiemann, Anglicists at the University of Potsdam, …