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News from the University of Potsdam

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Photo: Isabel Dückert/Valerie Pobloth.

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 9th 2017

October, 9th – Ibadan Our first program day in Ibadan! Today we are going to be officially greeted and have a tour of the campus. It is indeed …
Negotiations at the market. Photo: Isabel Dückert/Valerie Pobloth.

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 8th 2017

October, 8th – Ibadan Sunday is a big day for Nigerians: People from various confessions dress in their best outfits and spend the whole day …
Beobachtungen am Straßenrand. Foto: Isabel Dückert/Valerie Pobloth.

Up on the road: online Diary Nigeria – October, 7th 2017

October, 7th Lagos, Nigeria – Ibadan, Nigeria Ready to drive to our main destination, we are meeting Professor Dr. Igboanusi a friend and colleague …
Reading girl. Photo: Fotolia/Tatyana Gladskih

Learning to Read - How to do it better

Since before the PISA tests, we have known that children’s educational success depends – among others – on their social and cultural background. But …
Photo: Valerie Pobloth.

Underway in Nigeria – Students from the Department of English and American Studies on Excursion to Ibadan

The English language has developed over centuries into a language family of World Englishes. A group of students from the Department of English and …
Apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Trauth (left) and his students. Photo: Karla Fritze.

“You can do more with Legos” – What do plastic building blocks have to do with a university course?

A practical course with Martin Trauth is packed with high-tech: infrared and ultrasound sensors, gyroscopes, magnetometers, multispectral cameras – …
Schlager researchers Mirco Limpinsel (left) and Vinzenz Hoppe. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Queue Up the Next Song - Two German literary scholars listen to Schlager music in the service of science

High culture isn’t everything: this is the basic idea underlying many hit Schlager songs, according to Vinzenz Hoppe and Mirco Limpinsel. Udo Jürgens’ …
Porpoise. Photo:

The Dolphin’s Shy Relative - Genetically analyzing endangered cetaceans in the Baltic Sea

You need some luck to see them. Porpoises are shy and inconspicuous. These two-meter animals flash their dark fins above the water only to immediately …
Prof. Dr. Martina Giese. Photo: Karla Fritze

The Middle Ages Are Not So Far Away After All - Martina Giese wants to tap new historical sources

Who has not admired artful masterpieces in museums or sacral buildings of times long past? Such treasures continually inspire writers’ and filmmakers’ …
Prof. Dr. Ariane Walz. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Nature Conservation from Space – Researchers develop new methods for monitoring protected areas

Earth is being increasingly observed, measured, and photographed. Satellites orbiting our planet at altitudes of hundreds to a thousand kilometers are …