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News from the University of Potsdam

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Detecting abrupt transitions – be it in ocean heat or financial markets

From stock indices to sea surface temperatures, a lot of relevant data comes in the form of time series. Reliable detection of abrupt transitions such …
Electrodes measure the movements of facial muscles. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Look Into My Eyes?! – A socio-psychological study explores the famous first impression

A glance is enough: in a fraction of a second, we get a first impression of someone – whether we find them likable or unlikable, attractive or …
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Demske and Dr. Elisabeth Berner (r.). Photo: Karla Fritze.

A Precious Good - the Brandenburg-Berlinish Language Archive

“De Farrer woảnt dicht bid Kirch,” teacher Herbert Stertz writes in the questionnaire in front of him. Opposite him sits Anna Wiggert, a widow, who …
Town hall in Hanover. Photo: pixabay/connormik.

A Fresh Breeze in the Community – Administrative scientists establish European research network for local public sector reform

They decide where to found new schools or whether a utility company will be privatized. They finance education and cultural institutions and run …
Prof. Dr. Eva Kimminich. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Researching with All Senses – Eva Kimminich on rap, flow, and filter bubbles

The powerful and the marginalized, the masses and the elites, pop culture and high culture: Eva Kimminich is interested in cultural contrasts. As a …
Prof. Dr. Florian Weck. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Together Against Anxiety – Florian Weck researches excessive fear of disease and how to train good therapists

When does psychotherapy work and when does it not? What makes a good therapist? And how can their competencies be measured? These questions are on …

DIW and University of Potsdam publish study on minimum wage – In Germany, approximately 1.8 million workers eligible for the minimum wage are earning less

The introduction of the minimum wage in Germany led to significant increases in wages –– However, around seven percent of eligible workers earn less …
Prof. Dr. Dirk Wagner. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Quite Warm, Quite Cold – Geomicrobiologist Dirk Wagner researches the smallest lifeforms in extreme environments

The Arctic, deserts, and volcanos: Life exists in very unexpected places – and on a surprising scale. Geomicrobiologist Prof. Dr. Dirk Wagner tracks …
Dr. Claudia Pacholski in the lab. Photo: Thomas Hölzel.

All about Chemistry – Heisenberg Fellow Dr. Claudia Pacholski is at home in many laboratories

She is active, goal-oriented, welcomes new challenges, and enjoys teaching and research. Food chemist Dr. Claudia Pacholski has been teaching and …
Part of everyday life - tablets at school. Photo: Fotolia/Syda Productions.

Striking a Balance – Educationalists develop concepts for modern elementary school teaching

Simply using laptops and smartphones in class is not modern education. But these new tools also cannot be ignored. This is the balance Prof. Dr. …