Less Is More…At Least When It Comes to Consumption – Economists want to raise awareness of sustainable consumption
Every year the latest phone model, the fifth pair of stylish brand sneakers, an expensive bottle of wine every night. Consumption can take many forms …
The Mystery of the Rainforest – Geoscientists show that humans were already shaping the central African landscape 2,600 years ago
Fields, roads, and towns but also forests planted in neat rows, and dead-straight rivers: people shape nature to better suit their purposes. The fact …
Open Access – The University of Potsdam Attains Third Place Worldwide for Using Knowledge Unlatched
The University of Potsdam is among the top three users of Knowledge Unlatched worldwide. Content from the Open Access initiative is only accessed more …
Aggravated Murder, For Instance – Alix Giraud compares German and French criminal law
Criminal law was long considered to fall under the domain of national law, so it seemed to play little role in the harmonization of law across Europe. …
America between slavery and democracy – Hannah Spahn researches nineteenth-century African American literature
An equestrian statue divided the US in the summer of 2017. It is located in Charlottesville, Virginia, and depicts General Robert E. Lee, commander of …