Aggravated Murder, For Instance – Alix Giraud compares German and French criminal law
Criminal law was long considered to fall under the domain of national law, so it seemed to play little role in the harmonization of law across Europe. …
America between slavery and democracy – Hannah Spahn researches nineteenth-century African American literature
An equestrian statue divided the US in the summer of 2017. It is located in Charlottesville, Virginia, and depicts General Robert E. Lee, commander of …
For Academic Freedom – Lecture Series with Refugee Scholars
A multidisciplinary lecture series at the University of Potsdam is offering a forum for scholars who have been forced to flee their homelands and are …
The Courage to Take a Risk and a Passion for Innovation – Alexander Kritikos is a researcher and teacher at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and at the University of Potsdam
An expert on the Greek crisis, Alexander Kritikos is frequent commentator for newspapers, television, and radio. Although Kritikos was born in Munich, …
Interplay of Nature – How biodiversity relates to ecological dynamics
Biodiversity is rapidly declining worldwide, on land and in the water. In Germany alone, a quarter of all plants and a third of all animal species are …