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News from the University of Potsdam

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Student of music didactics visit the VR/ AR Makerspace of computer science

VReiraum in the Makerspace – Innovative Teaching Project on Using Virtual and Augmented Reality in Academic Teaching

How do we want to live in the city of the future? Can it be designed in a way that protects the climate and environment and also promotes social …
3D point cloud model of the Golm Campus

From Space and From the Air, with Laser and Neutrons – Modern Sensor Technology Helps to Better Understand the World

Archimedes discovered the law of hydrostatic buoyancy because he himself caused his bathtub to overflow, Isaac Newton is said to have discovered the …
Ötztal in Austria

Understanding Extremes – The Research Training Group NatRiskChange develops methods for the analysis and quantification of natural hazards and risks in a changing world

Changing conditions, such as global warming and land use, can strongly influence the occurrence of natural hazards and the risk they pose. “It is the …
Geoscientist Dr. Gerold Zeilinger wearing AR glasses

Using AR Glasses to Get a Better View - Gerold Zeilinger wants to use augmented reality to make landscape planning decisions easier

“Many people cannot imagine complex objects in space when they see them on a flat plan or map. If, for example, a wind turbine is to be erected or a …
Damage after the flood in the Eifel

Risk management of floods and droughts depends on event magnitude

How effective and sustainable is risk management of flood and drought events worldwide? Empirical data show that this obviously depends on the event …
Neckargmünd under water

When Heavy Rainfall Turns into Flash Floods – Hydrology research group examines the hazards of flash floods for cities

In July 2021, there were devastating floods caused by heavy rainfall with 180 deaths and immense economic damages in Rhineland-Palatine and …
Berlin Gesundbrunnen | Photo: AdobeStock/anweber

How Secure is Safe?! – A Germany-wide project examines how to organize safety in urban neighborhoods

Quiet suburb, hip inner city, quaint small town, multicultural urban neighborhood – for every lifestyle there is a suitable place. Why do we feel safe …
A highlight for geoscientists. The Andes have everything that’s interesting in geology. Photo: Andreas Bergner

Solid Relationships – Research cooperation between Potsdam and Argentina expanding

The Andes are an Eldorado for geoscientists: The South American mountain range is one of the earth’s youngest and most active ranges, making it one of …
Image: Oliver Korup

Tales as Old as the Hills

Geoscientist Oliver Korup Explores Natural Hazards

If earthquakes, landslides, floods and debris avalanches cannot be prevented, then people in the affected regions want to know at least how often such …
Lake sediments in the Boam Gorge with soft sediment deformation. (Photo: Dr. Angela Landgraf)

Traces in the Sand

Geologists from Potsdam measure the shorelines of Lake Issyk Kul

Volcano eruptions, earthquakes, floods, landslides – these forces of nature form new patterns of our landscape again and again. Today we can still …