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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Eye movement measurement

In the Blink of an Eye – Eye movements can reveal a lot – A junior research group investigates what exactly

Eye movements have long been a subject of research. For decades, cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics have been analyzing eye movements to …
Illustration for the project „HateLess“: A red finger is chrushing a man under a keyboard. The illustraion is from Andreas Töpfer.

Preempting Hate Speech – How the “HateLess” program helps young people free their schools from hate speech

Scrolling through the comment sections of news platforms, one sometimes wishes there was a delete button to remove all the hate mail, insults, and …
The Researchers Dr. Paulina Tomaszewska (left), Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé (middle) und Dr. Isabell Schuster (right). The picture is from Tobias Hopfgarten.

Sexual Aggression – Psychologist Barbara Krahé and her team want to strengthen the competencies of young adults in sexual situations

#MeToo caused a stir – not just online, but also in people’s minds. Many now interpret touch, gestures, and words as sexual assault, which they might …
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Lazardides.The photo is from Ernst Kaczysnki.

Digital Learning – What the Corona pandemic reveals about the digitization of school education

The digitization of school and teaching is often connected to the objective of preparing learners in the best way possible for participation in …
Screen shots of the app “SprachenTanz”. The graphic is from Projekt „Digital Language Learning“

Tinder with language learning for the elderly – The project “Digital Language Learning” has developed a mobile app for linguistic community builing

Birgit S. recently turned 70 and lives in Berlin-Charlottenburg by herself. The retired teacher misses the lively contact and exchange with her …
Auf dem Portraitfoto ist Frau Professorin Isolde Malmberg zu sehen. Das Foto ist von Tobias Hopfgarten.

The Time of Open Ears – New in Potsdam: As Professor of Music Education and Music Didactics, Isolde Malmberg is committed to strengthening her subject

Born in Linz, she moved to Vienna for her studies. There was no getting around music here: the Opera, the concert halls, the clubs and salons. Music …
An exercise of the training program at KIDZ | Photo: Bettina Arasin

Calming Down with Exercise – KIDZ - the “Children’s Intervention and Diagnostic Center” helps children with poor concentration to grow through challenge

Fidgeting, squirming, and rocking - who doesn’t know them, the restless spirits who don’t sit still, can’t listen, are easily distracted and, on top …
Young researchers of the University of Potsdam and the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE) are investigating how the interplay of genes, nutrition, and exercise can influence muscle loss as we age. | Foto: AdobeStock/andreusK

Old age without fragility – Young researchers are investigating how the interplay of genes, nutrition, and exercise can influence muscle loss as we age

From the age of 50, many people feel that their strength is gradually diminishing and movements are becoming more and more difficult. This is normal …
Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé | Photo: Sandra Scholz

33 Questions to psychologist Prof. Barbara Krahé

Is violence concentrated on the left or on the right? Is sexual aggression gender-specific? To what extent does the TV series “Tatort” affect viewers? …
Linda Juang's office shows the diversity of American society | Photo: Sandra Scholz

Understanding Diversity – Linda Juang researches the development of children with a migrant background

Linda Juang is US American with Taiwanese roots. In 2014, the University of Potsdam offered her a position as Professor of Heterogeneity in …