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News from the University of Potsdam

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Auf dem Foto ist Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Marco Caliendo zu sehen. Das Foto ist von Sandra Scholz.

In the Name of Evidence – The Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA) pools empirical economic research

What are the most effective ways for policy makers to regulate the labor market? Does government aid during the Corona pandemic reach those who really …
The picture shows Lilliestam.

Making Aircraft Fuel From Sunlight and Air – Researchers from Zurich and Potsdam describe a novel solar reactor in the journal „Nature“

Scientists at ETH Zurich have built a plant that can produce carbon-neutral liquid fuels from sunlight and air. The next goal will be to take this …
Man with two children in the kitchen.

Care – Work That Is Invisible – Sociologist Roland Verwiebe on Care Work

It is 8:30 p.m. and the children need to go to bed. An hour passes before they finally fall asleep on most days. The single mother is expecting a …
Auf dem Foto ist Elmar Kriegler zu sehen, Leiter der Forschungsabteilung „Transformationspfade“ am Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) mit einem Fokus auf das Forschungsfeld „Klimaschutz- und nachhaltige Entwicklungspfade“ und Professor für Integrated Assessment of Climate Change an der Universität Potsdam. Das Foto ist vom PIK/Karkow.

33 Questions to “interface researcher” Prof. Dr. Elmar Kriegler

What can we do to stop climate change? Why has so little of it been implemented so far? And why does science not always get through to politics? Elmar …
Das Symbolbild zeigt ein Wollknäul, dass sich seinen Weg durch ein kreisförmiges Labyrinth bahnt. Das Bild ist von AdobeStock/Olena.

The red thread to energy transition – The joint research project “Ariadne” is looking for the best ways to achieve a climate neutral society

The coming years will determine whether humanity can tame climate change. Important steps need to be taken right now to advance economic …
Girl in Homeschooling | Photo: AdobeStock/Halfpoint

Education in times of the pandemic – How schools and universities master digitization

The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions on public life led to a kind of forced fast-track digitization in spring 2020. This has affected …
Lasse Steffen, Marco Trippler, and Jerome Lange (f.l.t.r.) | Photo: Thomas Roese

Hoppla! Here comes Koppla! – The revolution for craft enterprises

“We want every craftsman and woman to work with our software – because it is easy to use and simplifies many processes. At the end of the day, it …
Prof. Matthias Kalkuhl | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

The climate clock is ticking – Economist Matthias Kalkuhl researches what is key to developing successful climate policies

Every morning, on his way to work at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) in Berlin, Matthias Kalkuhl passes by …
Prof. Dr. Fabian Schuppert | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

Politics and Ethics go Hand in Hand – Fabian Schuppert considers political theory a very practical matter

Mountains or Sea? Fabian Schuppert should decide – “Mountains”. Car or Bike? He is sitting in his office in Griebnitzsee, which he moved into only a …
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kohler | Photo: Thomas Roese

Dead Language, Important Language? – A DFG Project investigates the significance of Ancient Greek and Latin

Latin helps with systematic and logical thinking as well as understanding German grammar and learning other languages. These are the common and …