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News from the University of Potsdam

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DIGAREC – the Digital Games Research Center at the University of Potsdam. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Games - Past, present, and future of a young medium

In the course of its short history, computer gaming has already undergone rapid changes. And for exactly this reason, it poses a challenge to …
Psychologin Diana Peitz. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Tracking down hunger with nose, ears and heart – Psychologists test a promising new therapeutic approach for eating and weight disorders

A crispy bread roll, a juicy mango, or a warming soup - our food appeals to many senses and usually serves more than just the need to fill the …

Open Access – The University of Potsdam Attains Third Place Worldwide for Using Knowledge Unlatched

The University of Potsdam is among the top three users of Knowledge Unlatched worldwide. Content from the Open Access initiative is only accessed more …
Alexis Giraud. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Aggravated Murder, For Instance – Alix Giraud compares German and French criminal law

Criminal law was long considered to fall under the domain of national law, so it seemed to play little role in the harmonization of law across Europe. …
Photo: Thomas Roese.

America between slavery and democracy – Hannah Spahn researches nineteenth-century African American literature

An equestrian statue divided the US in the summer of 2017. It is located in Charlottesville, Virginia, and depicts General Robert E. Lee, commander of …
Christian Richter. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Freedom on demand? – How television 4.0 presents itself

It is difficult to imagine a German living room without one: Almost invariably placed opposite the couch, TV sets loom large on furniture and walls. …
Which team will win is also a matter of probability. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Goals, Teams, and Theory – Mathematician Ulrich Kortenkamp brings together probability calculation and soccer

For some, soccer is a bore, since not much is going on. Others follow “their” team every weekend. Ulrich Kortenkamp is a soccer fan and Professor of …
At a Weekly Market in Berlin. Photo: Jana Scholz

Vegetables Mixed Style – Linguistic Diversity at a Weekly Market in Berlin

Salam alaikum, abi! Alaikum salam. İki tane Aubergine. Bitteschön, yenge! The weekly market in Berlin-Neukölln is a busy place, humming with people, …
A film still from „Science in Exile“ by Nicole Leghissa.

For Academic Freedom – Lecture Series with Refugee Scholars

A multidisciplinary lecture series at the University of Potsdam is offering a forum for scholars who have been forced to flee their homelands and are …

Look at me! – How digital communication affects our lives

Buzzing, ringing, blinking - the latest news, new e-mails or the latest gossip on social networks compete for our attention. Talking to someone and …