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News from the University of Potsdam

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Pastures at Sanssouci Palace. Photo: Karla Fritze

Sheep in Sanssouci Park – Biologists Accompany a Grazing Project

Sheep are quite a rare sight in historic public parks. Some, however, have temporarily moved into Sanssouci Park. From July to November 2018, the …
Printed batteries of different shapes and structures. Photo: Dr. Kerstin Zehbe.

Batteries from the Printer – Chemists from Potsdam and Karlsruhe Are Developing Novel Electrochemical Storage Systems

Powerful batteries are in demand as never before. They are not only the key to electromobility and energy supply for our everyday electronic …
Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau. Photo: Ernst Kaczynski.

“Not Everything Needs to Be 100 Percent Autonomous”

Business Informatics Specialist Norbert Gronau Says: What Matters Is How Humans and Machines Interact

Driverless cars, fully-automated factories, self-learning computer programs: Is technical innovation making humans redundant? Are these developments …
Dr. Hannes Vasyura-Bathke. Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten.

Exemplary – How Artificial Neural Networks Can Revolutionize Georeseach

Geoscientists have a problem: The phenomena they research are so complex that it is difficult to track them down. New sensor technology, satellite …
Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette (links) und Dr. Tobias Kraft. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Humboldt’s Journey into the Digital World – From a Hand-Written Diary to a Digital Edition and Back to Printed Paper

2019 marks Alexander von Humboldt's 250th birthday – a good reason to look at the comprehensive academy project of editing his travel diaries. Romance …
Prof. Dr. Johann Ev. Hafner. Photo: Karla Fritze.

In Search of Islam – Where do Muslims Live in Brandenburg?

Thousands of migrants and refugees come to Germany every year. As a result, the diversity of faith in Germany is greater than ever before. Despite …
The team oft he start-up "Humangold". Photo: Patrick Bröker.

That Work Doesn‘t Make You Sick - A Start-up Team at the University of Potsdam Develops App Against Psychostress

Burnout, depression, anxiety: Psychostress pushes more and more working people into early retirement. But what actually is mental stress in the …
Artistic depiction of the active galaxy core. The supermassive black hole at the center of the accretion disk sends an energized, sharply focused particle beam vertically into space. Graphic: DESY Science Communication Lab.

Signals Every Second – Astrophysicists Develop Telescope Alarm System for Next-Generation Gamma-Ray Observatory CTA

It is a step into a new dimension. The search for time-dependent phenomena in space is in full swing and, with it, the search for cosmic sources of …
Representatives of universities in the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC) at the annual conference for 2019. Photo: Sharon Ahcar.

University of Potsdam as the First German Member of CONAHEC at the Annual Conference for 2019

The annual conference of the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC) took place a few days ago at New Mexico State …
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schaub. Photo: Thomas Roese.

The Universal Problem Solver – “AI Made in Potsdam” on its Triumphal Procession around the World

People have always had to solve tricky problems. But with the accumulation of more and more data, new challenges have emerged that are often too …