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News from the University of Potsdam

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Spuren der Verwüstung durch vulkanische Asche. | Foto: Prof. Dr. Oliver Korup.

Powdered with Ash or Covered in Ice - Volcanic Eruptions and Meltwater Lakes

Ash and ice are phenomena that the researchers around Prof. Dr. Oliver Korup and his Natural Hazards working group are equally fascinated by. …
Sonneneruption. | Foto: Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA.

Storm in Space - How Data Assimilation Can Contribute to Forecasting Space Weather

They help us communicate over long distances, navigate unknown terrain, and predict the weather. Hundreds of satellites orbit the Earth servicing …
Datenassimilation findet in vielen Gebieten Anwendung – mit am längsten eingesetzt wird sie in der Meteorologie. Grafik: Andreas Töpfer.

The Best of Both Worlds - The Connection between the Weather, Amoebae, and the Human Gaze

Data is all the rage. Satellite images make the entire world available - in detail and around the clock. Humans, too, are being captured down to the …

Twenty Years of the Abraham Geiger College at the University of Potsdam: Between Success and Uncertainty

August 17, 2019, marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Abraham Geiger College at the University of Potsdam. Yesterday, the State …
Working proactively makes you happier. Photo: AdobeStock/Kenishirotie

Always a step ahead — Why working proactively makes you happier

The best way to kill an idea is to take it to a meeting. This slogan — not carved in stone, but embossed in metal — is on the consultation desk, …
Rather stock market than housing market. Photo: AdobeStock/

Are Cities the New Stock Markets? – Gentrification between Upgrading and Financialization

A few short years ago, everything seemed to be fine in the urban world. Apartments served their purpose as homes at prices more or less matched to …
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert. Foto: HPI/Kay Herschelmann

And all for One - Christoph Lippert explains how data from millions of people can help the individual patient

The assistant is looking apprehensively into the diary. “The meeting is delayed,” she says. “And the next appointment begins in an hour.” In between, …
apl. Prof. Dr. Dietmar Sturzbecher. Foto: Dirk Vegelahn

Coming of Age – Growing Up at the Focus of Research

Childhood and youth are times of great changes and searching, phases full of tensions, risks, and opportunities. At the Institute for Applied …
Restless Legs Syndrom is barely explored in children. Photo: AdobeStock/MohdHafiez

When Night Turns to Day - Interdisciplinary Cooperation Project Researches Restless Legs Syndrome in Children and Youth

Adults have it, and children, too. But how common restless legs syndrome (RLS) actually is in minors has hardly been researched. A study carried out …
The researchers are particularly interested in everyday stress. Photo: AdobeStock_141210590

Stress Be Gone! – A psychological study investigates how self-compassion and mindfulness helps processing stressful situations.

Once again I haven’t managed what I had planned to do. Others can do it, but not me. — Many people know such depressing thoughts. To deal with them, …