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News from the University of Potsdam

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Picture: Karla Fritze

At the Limits of Resilience

Workplace-Related Anxieties and How They Can Be Treated

It breathes down your neck: it chokes you. There is pressure on your chest. It sends chills down your spine. Anxiety has many faces. A briefly flare …
Image: Gilles Blanchard

Bit by Bit

Gilles Blanchard Uses Statistics for Machine Learning

Not only people but also computers learn. Character and spam recognition are examples of how computer programs automatically learn to make …
Image: Oliver Korup

Tales as Old as the Hills

Geoscientist Oliver Korup Explores Natural Hazards

If earthquakes, landslides, floods and debris avalanches cannot be prevented, then people in the affected regions want to know at least how often such …
Picture: Karla Fritze

In the Course of Life

LifE-Longitudinal Study Records Living Conditions across Generational Borders

There is something fascinating about chronicles: Like in fast motion, you can relate to events, how conditions and relationships have changed and the …
Picture: Tonis Pan

Off to New Systems

Biologists from Potsdam Think about Biotechnological Applications

Synthetic biology is among the latest technical developments in modern sciences. It has huge innovation potential and combines a broad spectrum of …
Image: Anne Springer

Why Love Hurts

About the Relativity of Pain

Pain is a reaction of the body to an objectively measurable stimulus. How we sense pain subjectively, whether we rate it as merely unpleasant or as …
Pic.: Andreas Klaer

Politics Upclose

The Institute of Local Government Studies

They decide where to build new bike paths and how many places to create in day-care centers for children. They also decide about the opening hours of …
Pic: Kerstin Littke

Caribbean Kaleidoscope

The Fascination of Moving Non-Centers

The Caribbean? Gorgeous. Who has not envisioned himself/herself lying in a hammock under palm trees at the ocean watching the sunset? Who has not …

Mental Number Line

The role of finger counting and the significance of embodied cognition

Is our brain a computer? A calculating machine? A processor of information with memory capacity problems? For a long time neuroscientists thought so. …

Who Ate the Mouse?

Psycholinguists from Potsdam examine how the human brain processes language

We can understand what we read and hear without any difficulty. We do this without ever really thinking about the high performance of our brain. It is …