Institutions of higher education switch to emergency on-site operations – Institutions of higher education and Ministry agree on further restrictions at the institutions starting next week in light of the corona pandemic
The institutions of higher education in Brandenburg and the Ministry of Science have agreed to limit operations at the universities and other …
DIY Science Experiments – Chemistry Education Lab Inducts Learners into Hot Research Topics
They measure, test, record, and present their results. In approximately 300 German student labs, as their national association estimates, about half a …
Professional with a profile – Marvin Dogue is a professional athlete and has been studying business administration at the University of Potsdam since the winter semester 2017/18
As a modern pentathlete he loves variety. His sport is the most important thing for Marvin Dogue – his studies and leisure time come second. …
Step by Step - Why Exercise Therapy Can Help Treat Depression
Sport not only keeps you fit but can also heal - both body and soul. The study STEP.De examines how exercise therapy can be used to treat depression. …