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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter

33 Questions to Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter, Professor of Digital Education at the Department of Education

Digital media are increasingly finding their way into schools. On the one hand, their use in schools is intended to prepare children and adolescents …
Robot Nao

Face to Face – David Schlangen wants to enable artificial intelligence to interact with us in real time

Whether in an online help chat or when calling a service provider on the phone: communication with dialogue systems has become omnipresent. Most of …
Prof. Natalie Boll-Avetisyan

Early Detection at the Push of a Button – Prof. Natalie Boll-Avetisyan has developed a toy to indicate the risk of a language disorder

The teacher gives specific instructions: “When you have finished the exercise, pack the book, go to the shelf, and get a worksheet from the rack.” The …
Hund balanciert Kaffeetasse auf dem Kopf

Coffee with Dog – Milena Rabovsky analyzes language processing in the brain through neural networks and primarily relies on learning effects through prediction errors

Listen up: “The dog was bitten by the man.” – Got it? No? Good! When we read or hear something, our brain often already knows what will come next. …
Zwei Arme halten jeweils ein Smartphone in der Hand worauf zwei Bilder zu sehen sind, die zusammengesetzt eines ergeben.

The Island of the Language of Love – With their app LoveLane, Heike Kraft and Carolyn Litzbarski want to make couples happier

Who doesn’t wish for the perfect, happy relationship? Reality, however, is often different: Many partnerships fail, the divorce rate in Germany is …
Yvo Witassek

“Success Fascinates Me” - Yvo Witassek studies cognitive science and is a top judo athlete

A muffled bang sounds in the hall as Yvo Witassek throws his opponent to the ground. No wonder, because the two judoka train in the weight class over …
Eine Illustration eines Eisbergs im Wasser. die obere kleine Spitze guckt an der Oberfläche heraus, ein Bootfahrer sieht mit einem Fernglas darauf. Der größere untere Teil befindet sich unter der Wasseroberfläche, auf ihm steht das Wort "Risk".

Transparency Helps! – How the Harding Center Enables People to Understand Health Risks

Corona rushed into the world at the beginning of 2020. In January, it was still a marginal note in news about China, at the beginning of March there …
Prof. Barbara Höhle

Instructive Babble of Voices – Inside the Potsdam BabyLAB – Lab Visit (instead of) Self-experimentation

Little Mathilde is the star of the day: Laboratory coordinator Tom Fritzsche welcomes her and her mother.  Afterwards, Dr. Alan Langus, a member of …
Karolina Zaczynska (linsk) und Prof. Manfred Stede (rechts) sitzen am Schreibtisch und geben ein Interview

How Diplomats Debate – Prof. Manfred Stede and Karolina Zaczynska Research the Trajectories of Conflicts in the UN Security Council

“We have made significant progress in the fifteen years since the Security Council passed its landmark resolution on women, peace and security,” …
Prof. Dr. Petra Warschburger im Interview

Chronically Ill – How Do You Get Through the Corona Pandemic?

Imagine you are ill, have been ill all your life. And then comes Corona. While everyone is talking about vulnerable groups, you are one of them. What …