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News from the University of Potsdam

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Optical fiber tips mounted with different functional nanomaterials (gold nanostructures, porous silicon, stimuli-responsive hydrogels). | Photo: Thomas Roese

With Light and Nanoparticles – Blazing a trail to the future of medicine

In the 21st century, it is often promised, medical treatment will be personalized, with diagnoses and therapies tailored to the needs of the …
Peter van der Beek during a sampling campaign in the Alps | Foto: T.F. Schildgen

Looking at smallest atoms to understand large-scale Mountain ranges – A welcome to Peter van der Beek at the Institute of Geosciences

Peter van der Beek has joined the academic leadership at the Institute of Geosciences at Potsdam University. The internationally well-known Earth …
Berlin Gesundbrunnen | Photo: AdobeStock/anweber

How Secure is Safe?! – A Germany-wide project examines how to organize safety in urban neighborhoods

Quiet suburb, hip inner city, quaint small town, multicultural urban neighborhood – for every lifestyle there is a suitable place. Why do we feel safe …
István Tarrósy, Lukáš Wiesner, Chloé Duvivier, Daniela Ghiani, Ludovic Collin, Nadine Shovakar | Photo: privat

European Digital UniverCity – Many Voices for an Alliance

István Tarrósy, EDUC Institutional Coordinator at the University of Pécs, Hungary: I feel privileged to be part of EDUC; this dynamic alliance of 6 …
Prof. André Kleinridders | Foto: Thomas Roese

33 Questions for Prof. André Kleinridders

Who are you? What is your current research project? What did you have for breakfast? And why did you enter the field of science? Portal Wissen wants …
Prof. Alexander Wöll | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

Of defiance and the love of Slavic literature – Alexander Wöll turned his passion into his profession

Alexander Wöll is seated in front of his computer. Interviews are nothing new to him – answering questions via Zoom is, but that doesn't bother him …
The math app by Ulrich Kortenkamp is designed to help children understand the value of numbers. | Photo: AdobeStock/Dani

Hundreds in Bundles – A mathematics app to help children understand the place value of numbers

As with many other problems, the Covid-19 crisis is relentlessly exposing the digital deficits in many German schools and school systems. Even in …
Humboldt Fellow Gautier Nicoli (3.v.l.) does his research at the Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland …

Seen from the root of mountains – Humboldt Fellow Gautier Nicoli links plate tectonics and the carbon cycle

As a petrologist, Gautier Nicoli deals with the occurrence, composition and formation of rocks. He collects samples of metamorphic rocks from all over …
Mask for respiratory analysis | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

More than a Breath of Air – Physicists and physicians develop sensor for respiratory air analysis

Together, a sports physician and a physicist set out to revolutionize a medical measuring and diagnostic procedure. Their goal is to develop an …
The possibilities of molecular biology are developing rapidly. | Photo: AdobeStock/ipopba

Scissors for Genetic Material – Lena Hochrein optimizes molecular methods

The possibilities of molecular biology are developing rapidly. Today, researchers are able to modify the genome of every cell quickly, economically, …