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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Katja Hanack in the laboratory. | Photo: Karla Fritze

"Each virus develops its own survival strategies" – biochemist Prof. Katja Hanack on the difficulties involved in developing vaccines against viruses

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

In just a few weeks, the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 has spread around the world from Wuhan in China. Wherever there are people, there is also the …
Interview with Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe. | Photo: Kaya Neutzer

"People are called upon to support each other" - Social scientist Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe on the corona pandemic

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

It might seem as if health crises such as the current corona pandemic spared no one. Yet, the existential threat posed by job loss and financial …
Retreating into the privacy of one's home in times of the corona virus. | Foto: Pixabay/StockSnap

Loss of control and unpredictability – Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé on the psychosocial consequences of the corona pandemic

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

The coronavirus does not only threaten people's physical health, but also presents them with the great challenge of avoiding personal contacts and …
The three start-up founders Carina Höltge, Maximilian Noah and Linda Suhm. | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten.

Skin essentials - Goals, obstacles, and successes: the path to entrepreneurship is paved with work and surprises

Two economists and a communication designer teamed up to start a business. The three see their professional future in the cosmetics industry. The …
Prof. Amitabh Banerji. | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

DIY Science Experiments – Chemistry Education Lab Inducts Learners into Hot Research Topics

They measure, test, record, and present their results. In approximately 300 German student labs, as their national association estimates, about half a …
Dr. Andreas Heißel. | Foto: Kaya Neutzer.

Step by Step - Why Exercise Therapy Can Help Treat Depression

Sport not only keeps you fit but can also heal - both body and soul. The study STEP.De examines how exercise therapy can be used to treat depression. …
Prof. Filippo Carlà-Uhink. | Photo: Kaya Neutzer.

From Odysseus' Travel Agency to Aquaman – Why the Ancient World Inspires to this Day

At the movies, “Wonder Woman,” the Amazon, battles war god Ares. Theme parks create ancient fantasy worlds combining Roman sculptures and Greek …
Prof. Ralf Engbert. | Foto: Tobias Hopfgarten

I See What You See - Potsdam Cognitive scientists develop models for predicting eye movements

For some time, cognitive scientists have been focusing on the human gaze, especially when it comes to reading and viewing images and objects. We know …
Sensors in cuddly bears? Researchers are studying how sensors influence our perception. | Photo: AdobeStock/bualuang.

How Technologies Affect our Emotions – Researchers Study the Impact of Sensors on Perception

What happens when parents leave the task of watching by the bedside of their fevered child to a plush teddy equipped with a sensor? How does a dog …
Titelblatt einer Ausgabe der Clauert-Geschichten von 1673. | Foto: Kaya Neutzer

The Eulenspiegel of the Mark – Why a Brandenburg Prankster Could Turn a Literary Genre Upside Down

Pranksters who play practical jokes on others, make (almost) everyone laugh, and get away with it, are universally known. That there is someone else …