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News from the University of Potsdam

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Tomas Velláni and Prof Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann. The photo ist from Tobias Hopfgarten.

A big gap on a small scale – a PhD research group researches the future of participation in medium-sized cities

Perhaps only those who have found a home in smaller, so-called medium-sized cities with 20,000 to 50,000 inhabitants are aware of their potential. …
Screen shots of the app “SprachenTanz”. The graphic is from Projekt „Digital Language Learning“

Tinder with language learning for the elderly – The project “Digital Language Learning” has developed a mobile app for linguistic community builing

Birgit S. recently turned 70 and lives in Berlin-Charlottenburg by herself. The retired teacher misses the lively contact and exchange with her …
Short break and data recording in the Argentinean Puna, the second highest mountain plateau on earth and research site of the DFG Research Training Group “StRATEGy”.

A Trip through the Andes – Geoscientists on Excursion in Argentina

At the end of November 2021, PhD students from the international research training group “StRATEGy” and the dual PhD program of the DAAD-funded …
Prof. Günther and his wife (with mask) with Dr. Abdalla Ibrahim Ali from the State University of Zanzibar (white shirt), Mayor Ali Haji Haji (on the left in a black suit) and Mwajuma Ali Abadi (with red headscarf next to Dr. Abdalla) from the Zanzibar Municipality. The photo is from Dr. Michael Burkart

The Zanzibar Experience – Planting Trees in the “Partner Garden”

Zanzibar is one of Potsdam’s twin cities – both the Potsdam city administration and the university maintain lively contacts and frequently carry out …
Auf dem Foto sind Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass, Technischer Leiter des Zentrums Industrie 4.0 Potsdam (links) und sein Team bei der Arbeit zu sehen. Das Foto ist von Tobias Hopfgarten.

Designing the Factory of Tomorrow – Dr.-Ing. Sander Lass, Technical Director of the Potsdam Center for Industry 4.0

Everyone is talking about digitization, Industry 4.0, the smart factory.... But what exactly is behind these buzzwords? And how can these general …
Auf dem Foto ist Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Marco Caliendo zu sehen. Das Foto ist von Sandra Scholz.

In the Name of Evidence – The Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA) pools empirical economic research

What are the most effective ways for policy makers to regulate the labor market? Does government aid during the Corona pandemic reach those who really …
A tributary in the Western Himalaya in the state of Uttarakhand, India. Image Credit: Bodo Bookhagen

Climate change increases sediment flux in Asian high mountain regions

In recent decades, runoff or sediment input to rivers in the high mountains of Asia has increased sharply and will more than double by 2050. This is …
Amerikanistin Verena Adamik. Das Foto ist von Thomas Roese.

The Perfect Community – Verena Adamik analyzes utopian communities in US American literature

In the realm of utopia, everything is supposedly better: There is no injustice or oppression but fair work, sufficient food, education, and life …
The picture shows Lilliestam.

Making Aircraft Fuel From Sunlight and Air – Researchers from Zurich and Potsdam describe a novel solar reactor in the journal „Nature“

Scientists at ETH Zurich have built a plant that can produce carbon-neutral liquid fuels from sunlight and air. The next goal will be to take this …
Man with two children in the kitchen.

Care – Work That Is Invisible – Sociologist Roland Verwiebe on Care Work

It is 8:30 p.m. and the children need to go to bed. An hour passes before they finally fall asleep on most days. The single mother is expecting a …