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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Representation of atomic clusters formed by gold, arsenic and sulfur in arsenian pyrite (shown in the background as imaged using Scanning Electron Microscopy; not to scale).

A mineral pump for gold in the Earth’s crust

An international team of scientists with participation of mineralogist Dr. Maria Kokh from the University of Potsdam was able to elucidate the mystery …
Dr. Maximilian Korges and Prof. Dr. Max Wilke | Photo: Sandra Scholz

The Nursery of Mineral Resources – Geoscientists research ore genesis

They come in all kinds of colors and shapes – black, white, green, blue or shiny silver, as nondescript as rock or formed into impressive crystals. …
Galaxy simulation | Photo: AIP/Pfrommer

Astrophysicists Lutz Wisotzki and Christoph Pfrommer Receive ERC Advanced Grants

The European Research Council ERC has awarded two jointly appointed professors of the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and the …
Dr. Savi collecting sand for geochemical analyses | Photo: Velio Coviello

Moving Rocks – How climate warming changes mountain regions

Since 2015, geologist Sara Savi has been researching the influence of climate on debris flows in the high mountains of Argentina. In her current …
Prof. Dr. Marcia C. Schenck | Photo: Kevin Ryl

World History as a Dialogue of Histories – Prof. Marcia Schenck Brings Students from across the Globe Together in the History Dialogues Project

Marcia Schenck is a historian and, since 2020, Professor of Global History at the University of Potsdam. The expert on “the big picture”, whose …
Lasse Steffen, Marco Trippler, and Jerome Lange (f.l.t.r.) | Photo: Thomas Roese

Hoppla! Here comes Koppla! – The revolution for craft enterprises

“We want every craftsman and woman to work with our software – because it is easy to use and simplifies many processes. At the end of the day, it …
Prof. Matthias Kalkuhl | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

The climate clock is ticking – Economist Matthias Kalkuhl researches what is key to developing successful climate policies

Every morning, on his way to work at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) in Berlin, Matthias Kalkuhl passes by …
Prof. Dr. Peer Trilcke and Prof. Dr. Heiko Christians | Photo: Sandra Scholz

“The struggle for new technologies and old prestige” – talking about books, technology and the role of digital humanities in the 21st century

The humanities love the book. And the book loves the humanities. But since the digital has entered culture and science, YouTube and Netflix …
Sven Dinklage | Photo: privat

Interview with: Sven Dinklage – Working as the UP’s Liason Officer in Brazil

Since 2012, the University of Potsdam has been expanding its academic relations with Brazil, especially with the universities of the state of São …
Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé | Photo: Sandra Scholz

33 Questions to psychologist Prof. Barbara Krahé

Is violence concentrated on the left or on the right? Is sexual aggression gender-specific? To what extent does the TV series “Tatort” affect viewers? …