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News from the University of Potsdam

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Auf dem Foto ist Elmar Kriegler zu sehen, Leiter der Forschungsabteilung „Transformationspfade“ am Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) mit einem Fokus auf das Forschungsfeld „Klimaschutz- und nachhaltige Entwicklungspfade“ und Professor für Integrated Assessment of Climate Change an der Universität Potsdam. Das Foto ist vom PIK/Karkow.

33 Questions to “interface researcher” Prof. Dr. Elmar Kriegler

What can we do to stop climate change? Why has so little of it been implemented so far? And why does science not always get through to politics? Elmar …
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wagener from the Institute of Environmental Science and Geography at the University of Potsdam (l.) and Prof. Dr. Niels Hovius, Scientific Executive Director of Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) and jointly appointed professor with the University of Potsdam. Photos: Sandra Scholz (UP) and Centre for Geoscience (GFZ).

Prof. Thorsten Wagener and Prof. Niels Hovius were elected as AGU Fellows

Thorsten Wagener, holder of a Humboldt-professorship at the University of Potsdam, and Niels Hovius, jointly appointed professor with the University …
Das Symbolbild zeigt ein Wollknäul, dass sich seinen Weg durch ein kreisförmiges Labyrinth bahnt. Das Bild ist von AdobeStock/Olena.

The red thread to energy transition – The joint research project “Ariadne” is looking for the best ways to achieve a climate neutral society

The coming years will determine whether humanity can tame climate change. Important steps need to be taken right now to advance economic …
Prof. Dr. Annette Gerstenberg | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

“The Sound of a Generation” – Professor for Romance Linguistics Annette Gerstenberg analyzes language in old age.

Annette Gerstenberg has an unusual hobby. She is interested in language. As a professor of Romance linguistics for French and Italian at the …
Prof. Dr. Katja Hanack (M.) und Anja Hönow (l.) im Interview

Cells with Special Demands – A new detection system for SARS-CoV-2 is being developed at the University of Potsdam

COVID-19 tests are an important tool in pandemic response. Antigen rapid tests provide a result in just a few minutes but are relatively inaccurate. …
Genome surgery in discourse: Robert Ranisch at a "Wissenschaft im Dialog" event | Photo: M. Scholz/WiD

“Science Needs Values” – Junior Professor of Medical Ethics Robert Ranisch is among the first newly appointed professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg

When COVID-19 infections, and with them the severe COVID cases, skyrocketed in the spring of 2020, medical laypersons, i.e. most people, learned a …
Areas of forest fires in 2018, … | Photo: Dr. Thilo Heinken

The forest of tomorrow – On former burnt areas, researchers are studying how forests can become more resilient

The forest in Germany is doing badly. Since 1984, the health of trees has been published in the annual forest condition report. In 2020, only 21% of …
Hydrologist Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wagener joined the University of Potsdam as a Humboldt Professor at the beginning of 2021. | Photo: Sandra Scholz

Water is His Element – Alexander von Humboldt Professor Thorsten Wagener researches at the University of Potsdam

“Back to familiar things after an absence of 25 years” – this is how he feels about returning to Germany after many years abroad, says Prof. Thorsten …
An exercise of the training program at KIDZ | Photo: Bettina Arasin

Calming Down with Exercise – KIDZ - the “Children’s Intervention and Diagnostic Center” helps children with poor concentration to grow through challenge

Fidgeting, squirming, and rocking - who doesn’t know them, the restless spirits who don’t sit still, can’t listen, are easily distracted and, on top …
Two Potsdam researchers are involved in the new international Center for Molecular Water Science, which has now published its research program. | Photo: AdobeStock/magann

Secrets of the Water – White Paper of the Centre for Molecular Water Science published

More than 45 institutions from Europe and across the globe - among them the University of Potsdam - have joined in an initiative for a new research …