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News from the University of Potsdam

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Martin Fischer in seinem Büro.

If I Could, I Would … Suspend the Laws of Nature! – with cognitive scientist Prof. Martin Fischer, Ph.D.

At least in the lab. My topic is “Embodied Cognition”. To understand it better, one of the things I would like to do is defy gravity. In the past, the …
The future Leibniz Innovation Farm in Groß Kreutz

More Precise, Efficient, and Environmentally Friendly – How digital tools are changing agriculture

Can we produce food in a more climate- and environmentally friendly way? This question has been on the minds of researchers for decades and is now …
Prof. Katharina Scheiter

How to Get the Digital Into the Classroom – The “Kompetenzverbund lernen:digital” is supposed to answer this question

The world is digital – and school has to become digital too. The German government has understood this and launched a large research consortium: …
Einige Personen bei einer Preisverleihung

Excellent Digital Teaching – 2023 E-Learning Award Presented at the University of Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Nina Brendel has won the 2023 E-Learning Award of the University of Potsdam. The Professor for Geograpy Education received the award for her …
Illustration ökologischer Prozesse

“We need a more complex picture of ecological processes.” – Why a paradigm shift towards an individual-based ecology is necessary

The world is in crisis. But not only climate change is alarming researchers; the biodiversity crisis has also assumed threatening proportions. There …
Two working persons.

Bird’s Eye View – BIRD looks at the wealth of digital learning opportunities and connects them on a national education platform

“It is the biggest and most demanding project that I have ever done,” says Ulrike Lucke, leans back into her office chair, and blows a strand of hair …
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lucke. | Photo: Ernst Kaczynski

“I am enthusiastic about the open-mindedness with which digital media are being explored” – Computer scientist Ulrike Lucke on the possibilities offered by e-learning during the corona crisis

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Since mid-March educational institutions have been closed, with schoolchildren and students at home. Virtually overnight, digital learning suddenly …
„HyperBraille“ öffnet das Internet für Blinde. | Foto: Ernst Kaczynski.

Tactile web browsing – computer scientists make online services more accessible for the blind

Quickly check your email, look up the weather forecast, or get the latest news in the morning – many people use web services daily to stay informed or …
Prof. Dr. Johann Ev. Hafner. Photo: Karla Fritze.

In Search of Islam – Where do Muslims Live in Brandenburg?

Thousands of migrants and refugees come to Germany every year. As a result, the diversity of faith in Germany is greater than ever before. Despite …
The App „Zirkus Empathico“ in use. Photo: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lucke.

Of Emotions, Foxes, and a Circus - How to adjust training programs to emotions

They are a part of our lives – we invariably face them every day: emotions. The older people get, however, the more difficult it often becomes for …