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News from the University of Potsdam

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Data collection with a field spectrometer

Understanding Tipping Points in Savannas – Ecologist Prof. Anja Linstädter Researches How Humans Affect the Development of African Savannas and Grassland


Since September 2020, Anja Linstädter has been Professor for Biodiversity Research and Systematic Botany at the University of Potsdam and Director of …
By helicopter through the Canadian Arctic.

When it gets warmer – Species extinction in the Arctic - 9,000 years ago and today

The tundra is turning green. As climate change proceeds, bushes and shrubs are advancing into the barren Arctic regions. It is the same everywhere, …
Simulation of a neutron-star/black-hole coalescence in which the neutron star is tidally disrupted during the merging process.

Einstein Put To the Test – Gravitational Wave Researcher Prof. Tim Dietrich Is Dealing With Heavy Weights In Space

Tim Dietrich is only 34 years young and has already had a remarkable scientific career: In 2017, PhD thesis with distinction at Friedrich Schiller …

Modern Historical Research on the History of Ukraine

Throughout the lecture series, scholars from Ukraine will give presentations to students on their current research. The topics will encompass a large …
Prof. Gert Zöller

Computing Earthquakes – Mathematician Prof. Gert Zöller Develops Probability Models for Earthquakes and Other Disasters

The province of Groningen in the Netherlands is not generally considered a seismic hotspot. Nevertheless, an earthquake measuring 3.6 on the Richter …
Prof. Dr. Katharina Wrohlich

Gender Gaps – Economist Katharina Wrohlich About Inequalities in the Labor Market

The gender pay gap, i.e. the income difference between women and men, is still at 18% in Germany. Although there are now gender quotas on supervisory …
Prof. Barbara Höhle

Instructive Babble of Voices – Inside the Potsdam BabyLAB – Lab Visit (instead of) Self-experimentation

Little Mathilde is the star of the day: Laboratory coordinator Tom Fritzsche welcomes her and her mother.  Afterwards, Dr. Alan Langus, a member of …
Prof. Dr. Carsten Beta

Cell Physics in the Land of the Rising Sun – Japanese Research Professorship for Carsten Beta

End of September, Prof. Carsten Beta, biophysicist at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy, will leave for a research stay of several weeks at the …
Prof. Birgit Schneider

Humor Sometimes Helps – Looking for New Paths in the Discussion of Climate Change

What is going wrong in climate communication? Culture and media scientist Birgit Schneider and media and science researcher Alexander Schindler …
Die "international Summer School" vor dem Haus 9 am Neuen Palais

University of Potsdam hosts “Teaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship“ Summer School for student teachers from 11 partner institutions.

How can the UN Sustainable Development Goals be taught and integrated into schools and classrooms? What knowledge, attitudes and skills do learners …