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News from the University of Potsdam

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2013 flood on the Elbe near Dessau-Rosslau.

Natural flood prevention – higher trust through better communication

In many places today, dikes are being moved back, and floodplains are being revitalised in order to give the river more space during times of …
Hund balanciert Kaffeetasse auf dem Kopf

Coffee with Dog – Milena Rabovsky analyzes language processing in the brain through neural networks and primarily relies on learning effects through prediction errors

Listen up: “The dog was bitten by the man.” – Got it? No? Good! When we read or hear something, our brain often already knows what will come next. …
Two hands holding a component for a solar cell

World Record Efficiency – Important progress in all-perovskite tandem solar cells

Improving solar cells to increase their energy efficiency is necessary to become independent from fossil energy sources. Prof. Dewei Zhao from Sichuan …
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hähnchen

Always on the Move – Legal scholar Susanne Hähnchen wants to give people a better understanding of law and its history beyond the ivory tower

Susanne Hähnchen has been fascinated by the history of law ever since she was a student - not only because she is interested in the legal systems of …
Eine Frau sitzt am Schreibtisch und erklärt jemandem etwas

From Africa to the GDR and back – Marcia Schenck’s research on labor migration brings together individual and world history

Marica C. Schenck is a historian and professor of global history at the University of Potsdam. Her specialty is the big picture, global contexts. It …
Group of people standing on stairs for a photo

A Long-Term Partnership – Delegation from the Indian Institute of Technology Visits the University of Potsdam

A delegation from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Roorkee, India, visited the University of Potsdam on March 20. The aim of the talks was …

Potsdam Joins ELLIS, the European AI Network of Excellence

ELLIS, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, today announced the inclusion of Potsdam as a new region in the prestigious …
Ötztal in Austria

Understanding Extremes – The Research Training Group NatRiskChange develops methods for the analysis and quantification of natural hazards and risks in a changing world

Changing conditions, such as global warming and land use, can strongly influence the occurrence of natural hazards and the risk they pose. “It is the …
Prof. Dr. Tim Dietrich

Astrophysicist Prof. Dr. Tim Dietrich receives IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize

A good start in 2023: Astrophysicist Prof. Dr. Tim Dietrich receives IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in General Relativity and Gravitation and a …
Geoscientist Dr. Gerold Zeilinger wearing AR glasses

Using AR Glasses to Get a Better View - Gerold Zeilinger wants to use augmented reality to make landscape planning decisions easier

“Many people cannot imagine complex objects in space when they see them on a flat plan or map. If, for example, a wind turbine is to be erected or a …