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Philipp Weis has been awarded an adjunct professorship in Geology

Photo shows Philipp Weis
Philipp Weis, Photo: Michael Bahlo, GFZ

On 27 January 2025, Philipp Weis was awarded adjunct professor of geology. The geologist has been working at the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences since 2015; he is head of the group “Magmatic-hydrothermal processes”.

Since 2016, he has been teaching on the Bachelor and Master course level at the Institute of Geosciences. Among other things, he teaches students the basic concepts and principles of reservoir geology as well as an understanding of complex reservoir-forming processes in the context of plate tectonics.

As a member of the steering committee, he is significantly involved in the current program “Dynamics of Ore Metals Enrichment” (SPP DOME) of the German Research Foundation, which is coordinated at the University of Potsdam.


Photo shows Philipp Weis
Philipp Weis, Photo: Michael Bahlo, GFZ