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Studies with elderly participants

Studies done with elderly people focused on memory processes revealed that with specific training, elderly people are easily able to enhance their memory performance. Almost every elderly human can (re)activate cognitive resources. We aim to explore age-related capabilities as well as limits to different mental skills.
"Elderly people" refers to people of age 65 to 80. So far we have tested over 800 participants of this age group. Until 2009, experiments were carried out in our location at Gutenbergstrafle 67. In April 2009 our laboratories were moved to House 14 in Golm.

Mrs Sonja Schnitzler
Photo: Dep. of psychology

Here's a quote by Sonja Schnitzler, who has participated in our studies for a long time:

" aspect of my motivation is my curiosity (..) How well do I still perform? It is an opportunity to test my intelligence, reaction time and concentration. I feel challenged. This hour in front of the PC that allows me to know the speed of my reaction is equal to one hour of moderately difficult work. (...)
And secondly, there is feedback and control of our available cognitive resources. Bluff, imposture or keeping deficits secret is impossible. The computer will see through your actions. (..) From our performance, we can draw conclusions about the things we can still expect of ourselves to be able to do and which we cannot do any longer."

Mrs Sonja Schnitzler
Photo: Dep. of psychology