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Supplemental Certificate in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies

Bücherwand mit Glühbirnen
Photo: pixabay

The University of Potsdam offers the supplemental certificate in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies as a supplement to specialized studies.

With the certificate, students have the opportunity to expand and deepen their employability through additional gender and diversity competence. The certificate is intended to provide students with the necessary skills and methods to enable them to make scientifically sound judgments, to critically classify their findings, to proceed in a planned manner when working on tasks, and to be reflexive with regard to gender equality.

The analysis of gender relations or the relevance of intersectional diversity approaches are not closed subject areas of one discipline. Rather, intersections can be found in many academic disciplines. Through the supplementary certificate, students can attend exercises, seminars, and lectures in a wide variety of departments at the University of Potsdam and beyond, and receive credit for achievements in 3 modules. In total, the supplementary certificate comprises 18 credit points.

Aktueller Flyer (only availabe in German)


Are you interested in the additional certificate?

By completing and submitting the form noted below, you are welcome to register and take courses for the Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Supplemental Certificate during the course of your studies.

Have fun!

Further Information

Koordinationsbüro für Chancengleichheit
