Hybrid seminar
We run a hybrid seminar between Jena, Leipzig and Potsdam. Feel free to contact us, if you would like to join the regular announcements.
Autumn semester 2024
23rd of October 2024 - Christopher Cedzich (Düsseldorf)
Titel: The unitary almost-Mathieu operator and (possibly) beyond
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce the unitary almost-Mathieu operator (UAMO) and discuss its connections to several model systems in physics and mathematics. We draw parallels to the self-adjoint almost Mathieu operator and discuss how the UAMO originates in a two-dimensional quantum walk in a uniform magnetic field as well as its connection to one-dimensional split-step quantum walks and CMV matrices. We exhibit a version of Aubry–André duality for this model, which partitions the parameter space into three regions: a supercritical region and a subcritical region that are dual to one another, and a critical regime that is self-dual. In each parameter region, we characterize the cocycle dynamics of the transfer matrix cocycle generated by the associated generalized eigenvalue equation. As a practical application, we show how to obtain a lower bound on the Lyapunov exponent, which in turn allows us to exclude point spectrum in the subcritical regime. As a main result, we characterize the spectral type for each value of the coupling constant, almost every frequency, and almost every phase. If time allows, we go beyond that and discuss characteristics of complex extensions of the UAMO.
30th of October 2024 - Haonan Zhang (University of South Carolina)
Titel: On the Eldan–Gross Inequality
Abstract: Recently, Eldan and Gross developed a stochastic analysis approach to proving functional inequalities on discrete hypercubes. Motivated by a conjecture of Talagrand, one of their main results relates to the sensitivity, variance, and influences of Boolean functions. In this talk, I will discuss an alternative proof of this inequality based on hypercontractivity and an isoperimetric-type inequality of the heat semigroup. Our proof also extends to biased hypercubes and continuous spaces with positive Ricci curvature lower bounds in the sense of Bakry and Émery. This is based on joint work with Paata Ivanisvili.
30th of October 2024 - Alexandro Luna (University of California Irvine)
Titel: Dimensional Properties for the Spectra of Sturmian Hamiltonians in a Small Coupling Regime
Abstract: We prove that the Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum of a Sturmian Hamiltonian of bounded type tends to one as the coupling constant tends to zero. We give a sketch of the proof which relies on the methods of trace map formalism.
6th of November 2024 - Florentin Münch (Universität Leipzig)
Titel: Every Salami has two ends
Abstract: In this talk, we prove that every salami has exactly two ends. As is well known to experts, a salami is a weighted graph with non-negative Ollivier Ricci curvature with at least two ends of infinite mass. As an application we show a discrete positive mass theorem. The key idea is based on a non-linear heat flow for which we provide long-term convergence results in a general framework. The talk is based on joint works with Bobo Hua, Ruowei Li and Haohang Zhang.
13th of November 2024 - Tao Wang (Fudan University Shanghai)
Titel: Cheeger type inequalities associated with isocapacitary constants on graphs
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce Cheeger type constants via isocapacitary constants introduced by Maz'ya to estimate first Dirichlet, Neumann and Steklov eigenvalues on a finite subgraph of a graph. Moreover, we estimate the bottom of the spectrum of the Laplace operator and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator for an infinite subgraph. Estimates for higher-order Steklov eigenvalues on a finite or infinite subgraph are also discussed.
27th of November 2024 - Guilia Meglioli (Bielefeld)
Titel: Uniqueness for the heat equation on infinite graphs
Abstract: The talk is concerned with uniqueness of solutions to a class of heat equations with positive density posed on infinite weighted graphs. We separately consider the case when the density is bounded from below by a positive constant and the case of possibly vanishing density, showing that these two scenarios lead to two different classes of uniqueness.
4th of December 2024 - Jun Masamune (Tohuku University, Sendai)
Titel: Construction of signed distance functions with an elliptic equation
Abstract: Driven by recent advancements in structural optimization problems, this paper introduces a new method for constructing the distance function to the boundaries of specific sets of interest, thereby simplifying the optimization process. We build upon Varadhan's celebrated elliptic equation theory from 1967 by incorporating a source term into the equation, which allows us to encode information about the set. Additionally, we will establish the convergence rate within this new framework, which is proven to be sharp, at least in the one-dimensional case. This is a collaborative effort with T. Hasebe, T. Oka, K. Sakai, and T. Yamada.
18th of December - Simon Puchert (Jena)
Titel: On nonlinear Dirichlet forms
Abstract: The subject of nonlinear Dirichlet forms is rather new and as such, still has many simple open questions. In this talk, we will establish a new characterization that more closely resembles the well-known bilinear case. Furthermore, we show applications of function-valued analogues of the capacity set function and the resistance metric. The former answers an open problem posed by Burkhard Claus in his PhD thesis, while the latter generalizes the various known results on homogeneous forms.
8th of January - Miguel Donoso Echenique (UC Chile)
Titel: Natural extensions of semigroup actions and applications to periodic approximations.
Abstract: We review the property of periodic approximations (PA) for groups, and generalize some results to semigroups. In order to do this, we develop the tool of natural extensions, dealing with both the topological and measure-theoretical contexts.
15th of January - Remy Dubertrand (Northumbria university, UK)
Titel: Classical transport in a maximally chaotic chain
Abstract: CAT maps (for Continuous Automorphisms on the Torus) are known as one family of chaotic systems. They have been intensively used to study the quantum/classical correspondence. In the last decade the focus has shifted towards coupling them along a chain or a lattice. They have become one central example in "quantum many-body chaos". In this talk I will use a more recently introduced type of coupling for the cat maps, based on symmetry. I will describe how to establish ergodicity and count the periodic orbits for this coupling. It further allows for a fully explicit treatment of the transport problem. The diffusion coefficient is evaluated using a saddle point approximation and agrees well with our numerical experiments.
22nd of January 2025 - Laurent Raymond (Marseille)
Titel: Constructive gap-labelling and scaling properties of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian
Abstract: With the recent publication of a solution of the the so-called « dry ten martinis problem », closing an old conjecture about the gap-labeling of all aperiodic Schrödinger operators (with sturmian potential), it could be of some interest to give a review on the starting point of the « constructive » version of the gap-labeling theorem. I will present this construction in the simplest case (Fibonacci sequence) for which one also gets a useful estimate of the scaling properties leading to bounds on the fractal dimension of the spectrum of this operator.
29th of January 2025 - Seung uk Jang (Université de Rennes)
Titel: Dynamics of the Sturmian Trace Skew Product
Abstract: In this talk, we focus on the spectrum of the discrete Schrödinger equation with a quasi-periodic potential called Sturmian potential. Eigenvector problem with a Sturmian potential is associated to a dynamics of the Markov surface, together with a control variable of "rotation angle," leading us to a study of a skew product system.
Our understanding is that this skew product system exhibits a sort of hyperbolicity. As a first step to establish it, we have shown that there exists a cone field on the Markov surface that contracts by the dynamics, which is independently defined by the angle variable. The discovery is more or less elementary, initiated by some geometric observations of the Markov dynamics. After sketching the tricks, we will announce some prospectives after having a cone field, including the regularity of the Sturmian spectra.
This talk is based on a joint work with Anton Gorodetski and Victor Kleptsyn.
5th of February 2025 - Marc Rouveyrol (Université Paris-Saclay)
Titel: Spectral estimate for the Laplacian on hyperbolic surfaces
Abstract: Spectral inequalities consist in bounding the norm of spectrally localized functions by their norm on a smaller, so-called "sensor" set, up to some factor depending on their frequency bound. They were first studied by Logvinenko and Sereda in the 1970s, in connection with uncertainty principles for the Fourier transform. In the spirit of Jerison and Lebeau (1999), recent work deals with optimal conditions on the sensor for this type of estimate to hold on manifolds. Applications include controllability of partial differential equations, nodal set bounds and spectral theory of random Schrödinger operators.
The goal of the talk will be to give an introduction to spectral estimates, their relation to controllability, and to present original results on non-compact hyperbolic surfaces. Elements of proof will be given in a self-contained way. They draw from spectral theory, harmonic analysis, geometric analysis and controllability theory for the heat equation.
Summer semester 2024
10th of April 2024 - Pavel Exner (Prague)
Titel: Effects of time-reversal invariance violation in quantum graphs.
17th of April 2024 - Gilad Sofer (Technion)
Titel: Zero measure Cantor spectrum for Sturmian metric graphs
Abstract: A classical result by Belissard et al states that the spectrum of a 1-dimensional Hamiltonian with a Sturmian potential is a singular continuous Cantor set of Lebesgue measure zero. More recently, the same result was proven by Damanik-Fang-Sukhtaiev for a class of aperiodic metric antitrees equipped with the standard Laplacian.
In this talk, we present an analogous result for a large family of metric graphs whose local geometric structure is determined by Sturmian sequences. We prove that almost surely, the spectrum of these metric graphs is a zero measure and purely singular continuous generalized Cantor set. The proof is based on a mixture of Kotani theory with tools from the world of quantum graphs.
Based on joint work with Ram Band.
08th of May 2024 - Matthias Täufer (Hagen)
Titel: Anti-Faber-Krahn property for the heat content on metric graphs (or “Building better batteries”)
Abstract: We speak about the heat content at time t on metric graphs. This quantity measures how much mass of a constant initial configuration remains in the graph at time t under the action of the heat semigroup. It has been known that its integral over all times satisfies a Faber-Krahn property: it is maximized by path graphs - the analogon of balls.
We prove that surprisingly, the heat content radically contradicts the Faber-Krahn property at some times, but not for others: Intervals are no longer minimizers for small times, but are asymptotically optimal for large times. Consequently, when designing an optimal topology for a battery-like network under leakage, one must take the timescale into account.
Our proofs rely on probabilistic arguments: the Feynman-Kac formula and results from the theory of discrete random walks. This is joint work with Delio Mugnolo and Patrizio Bifulco (both Hagen).
29th of May 2024 - Sven Gnutzmann (Nottingham)
Titel: Quantum information scrambling and chaos induced by a Hermitian matrix (joint work with Uzy Smilansky)
Abstract: Given an arbitrary Hermitian matrix, considered as a finite discrete quantum Hamiltonian, we use methods from graph and ergodic theories to construct a corresponding unitary scattering approach by defining a quantum Poincaré map and a corresponding stochastic classical Poincaré-Markov map at the same energy on an appropriate discrete phase space. The correspondence between quantum Poincaré map and classical Poincaré-Markov map is an alternative to the standard quantum-classical correspondence based on a classical limit. Most importantly it can be constructed where no such limit exists. Using standard methods from ergodic theory we then proceed to define an expression for the mean Lyapunov exponent of the classical map. It measures the rate of loss of classical information in the dynamics and relates it to the separation of stochastic classical trajectories in the phase space. We suggest that loss of information in the underlying classical dynamics is an indicator for quantum information scrambling.
26th of June 2024 - David Fajman (Universität Wien)
Titel: A stability phase transition for cosmological fluids
Abstract: Fluids as modelled by the Euler equations are known to form shocks in finite time from regular initial data, those are singularities in the first derivatives of the fluid variables.
These shocks correspond to a breakdown of the solution but do have relevant physical interpretations in various contexts. We are interested under which circumstances shocks can form from arbitrarily small inhomogeneities. In other words: When are homogeneous fluid solutions unstable? This question is relevant in the context of cosmology where it asks how structures can form from homogeneous matter distributions. In the context of the (relativistic) Euler equations this is a well-posed problem. In the cosmological context, the fluid is considered in an expanding space corresponding to the cosmological model. The expansion has a dissipative effect on the fluid, which resembles a friction term. This dissipative effect can tame the fluid in case the expansion is sufficiently fast. On the other side, the speed of sound of the fluid, which enters the equations via the equation of state, increases the tendency of the fluid to form shocks. These two effects compete with each other. We investigate the two dimensional parameter space of expansion-speed and speed of sound and find a non-trivial critical curve where a phase transition between stable and unstable behaviour occurs by using classical methods from hyperbolic PDEs. This curve has rigorous implications for matter dynamics in the early universe.
26th of June 2024 - Radoslaw Wojciechowski (CUNY New York City)
Titel: Essential self-adjointness of the Laplacian on weighted graphs: harmonic functions, stability, characterizations and capacity
3rd of July 2024 - Sebastian Bold (TU Chemnitz)
Titel: The normal injectivity radius of an embedded hypersurface