DOGS meeting in Potsdam - August 2024
In September 2022, we met at the University of Potsdam.
Schedule: The meeting takes place from Monday, the 19th of September until Thursday, the 22nd of September. Here you can find a detailed schedule and abstracts for the talks.
List of participants:
- Philipp Bartmann (University of Potsdam)
- Mirjam Brunner (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Philippe Charron (Université de Genève)
- Netanel Levi (Hebrew University)
- Pablo Lummerzheim (University of Leipzig)
- Florian Fischer (University of Potsdam)
- Tobias Habacker (University of Leipzig)
- Philipp Hake (University of Leipzig)
- Johannes Happich (University of Leipzig)
- Tobias Hössel (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Oleksiy Köpp (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Robert Müller (University of Potsdam)
- Florentin Münch (MPI Leipzig)
- Simon Murmann (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Marius Neubert (University of Leipzig)
- Marius Nietschmann (University of Potsdam)
- Simon Puchert (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Matti Richter (University of Potsdam)
- Anna Rockstroh (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Christian Rose (University of Potsdam)
- Holger Schanz (Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal)
- Eyal Seelig (Hebrew University)
- Daniel Sell (Toruń)
- Franziska Sieron (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Uzy Smilansky (Weizmann institute of Science)
- Gilad Sofer (Technion)
- Jan Standke (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Lior Tenenbaum (University of Potsdam)
- Yannik Thomas (University of Potsdam)
- Marc Vieth (University of Leipzig)
- Elias Zimmermann (University of Leipzig)
- Ian Zimmermann (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)