School students can use the educational platform openHPI to learn more, for example about the basics of the programming languages Python and Java as well as web page creation and microcontroller.
At Girls in Creative Tech, strong women present projects that combine artistic-creative work with technology in regular video tutorials - and are very easy to replicate.
During the tinkering days, teenagers deal with the multitude of digital and electronic tools and in this way gain an understanding of their structure, function and use.
Jugend hackt is a program to promote young programmers in German-speaking countries. Under the motto "Improving the world with code", participants work together on projects.
CyberMentor is one of the largest online mentoring programs for girls in STEM subjects. Female students from 6th to 12th grade are accompanied by a mentor for one year.
At Technovation Girls Germany, girls between the ages of 10 and 18 use self-developed apps to find solutions to social and environmental challenges in their living environment.