Relevance for educational research
While the relevance of contextual factors is well known in work and organizational psychology and many studies have been devoted to them, from which empirically supported theories have emerged, there have so far been few studies in educational research that take these findings adequately into account. Thanks to its longitudinal design with three levels (school, teachers and students), Teach 2 makes it possible not only to fill these research gaps, but also to create a holistic model of school dynamics in conjunction with the findings of the previous project.
Relevance for Educational Practices
Our findings are intended to contribute to providing evidence-based knowledge about key resources and stressors in the everyday work of teachers. A deeper understanding of stress and resources in schools can, for example, be integrated into teacher training or further training for head teachers in order to optimize school development processes.
Scientific Literature
Here you will find selected scientific publications on the topic:
Holzberger, D., & Prestele, E. (2021). Teacher self-efficacy and self-reported cognitive activation and classroom management: A multilevel perspective on the role of school characteristics. Learning and Instruction.
Lazarides, R., Watt, H.M.G. & Richardson, P. (2020). Teachers’ classroom management self-efficacy, perceived classroom management and teaching contexts from beginning until mid-career. Learning and Instruction, 69,
Skaalvik, E. M., & Skaalvik, S. (2018). Job demands and job resources as predictors of teacher motivation and well-being. Social Psychology of Education, 21(5), 1251-1275.
Merki, M., & Fend, H. (2017). School Improvement Capacity als ein Forschungsfeld der Schulentwicklungs-und Schuleffekti-vitätsforschung. Theoretische und methodische Herausforderungen. In U. Steffens, K. Maag Merki, & H. Fend (Eds.), Schulgestaltung. Aktuelle Befunde und Perspektiven der Schulqualitäts- und Schulentwicklungsforschung. Grundlagen der Qualität von Schule 2 (pp. 269-286). Springer VS.
Bakker, A. B., & Demerouti, E. (2007). The job demands-resources model: State of the art. Journal of managerial psychology, 22(3), 309-328.