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PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) or S/MIME (Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) can be used to  encrypt and sign email messages. As part of the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) of the German Research Network (Deutsches Forschungsnetz - DFN) the University of Potsdam is entitled to issue the certificates you need to use S/MIME.

User certificates

can be requested at the DFN-AAI:

Please read the Informationen für Zertifikatsinhaber.

Server certificates

Information on applying for server certificates can be found on the ZIM website

Teilnehmerservice-Mitarbeiter at the institute of computer science

Teilnehmerservice-Contact at ZIM

Please send mail with subject "Frage DFN-PKI Zertifikate" to the ZIM ticket system. Their staff will contact you.