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Scientific Publications

in press/2024

Fink-Lamotte, J., Bieber, H., Jordan, H., & Exner, C. (in press). Once in contact, forever contaminated! Introducing a clinically validated imagery- and video-based chain of contagion task for the measurement of disgust and contamination change in experimental research and clinical practice. Behavior Therapy.

Fink-Lamotte, J.1, Hilbert, K.1, Bentz, D., Blackwell, S., Boehnke, J. R., Burghardt, J., Cludius, B., Ehrenthal, J. C., Elsaesser, M., Haberkamp, A., Kräplin, A., Paret, C., Schulze, J., Wilker, S., & Niemeyer, H. (2024). Response to responsible research assessment I and II from the perspective of the DGPs working group on open science in clinical psychology. Meta-Psychology

Stierle, C. & Fink-Lamotte, J. (2024). Selbstmitgefühl bei dermatologischen Erkrankungen – Ein Überblick. Dermatologie.

Rauschenbach, A.-L., Hauffe, V., Fink-Lamotte, J., Tuschen-Caffier, B., & Schmitz, J. (2024). Age Effects in Neural Processing of Emotional Faces in Children and Adolescents with Social Anxiety Disorder. Biological Psychology

Allermann, L.1, Kurz, N.1, Fink-Lamotte, J. & Haberkamp, A. (in press). Zwangsinhalte im Wandel der Zeit. Verhaltenstherapie.


Fink-Lamotte, J., Hoyer, J., Platter, P., Stierle, C. & Exner, C. (2023). Shame on me? Love me tender! Inducing and changing shame and fear in social anxiety in an analogous sample. Clinical Psychology in Europe

Fink-Lamotte, J., Kursim, A., & Exner, C. (2023). Changing OCD-related feelings of disgust and contamination by Cognitive Restructuring and Imagery Modification (CRIM): Test and discussion of an online-application. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

Hansmeier, J., Porrmann, R., Schumacher, K., Exner, C., & Fink-Lamotte, J. (2023). Exploring the link between thought-action fusion and symptom-based shame in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.


Fink-Lamotte, J., Platter, P., Stierle, C., & Exner, C. (2022). Mechanisms and effectiveness of imagery strategies in reducing disgust in contamination-related obsessive-compulsive disorder: Comparing imagery rescripting and imagery self-compassion. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 46, 747-763.

Fink-Lamotte, J., & Stierle, C. (2022). Stigmatisierung und Schamreduktion bei Hauterkrankungen. Hautnah Dermatologie, 38(2).

Daus, H., Fink-Lamotte, J., & Backenstrass, M. (2022). Mobile-based, emotion-sensitive video diaries and ambulatory third-party assessments as indicators of mood states in bipolar disorder. Minerva Psychiatry, 63(4), 407-418.

Lueken, U., Fink-Lamotte, J., Christiansen, H., Deisenhofer, A.-K., & Schneider, S. (2022).Replikationskrise, p-hacking und Open Science – Eine Umfrage zu fragwürdigen Forschungspraktiken in studentischen Projekten und Impulsen für die Lehre: Ein Kommentar der Sprecher:innengruppe der DGPs-Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Psychologische Rundschau, 73(1), 26-28.


Fink-Lamotte, J., Svensson, F., Schmitz, J., & Exner, C.(2021). Are you looking or looking away? Visual exploration and avoidance of disgust- and fear-stimuli: An eye-tracking study. Emotion.

Fink-Lamotte, J.1, Jahn, I.1, Stierle, C., Kühne, F., Lincoln, T., Stengler, K., & Exner, C. (2021). Die Validierung der Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DOCS) an einer deutschsprachigen Stichprobe. Verhaltenstherapie, 31(2), 119-121.

Fink-Lamotte, J., Widmann, A., Sering, K., Schröger, E., & Exner, C. (2021). Attentional processing of disgust and fear and its relationship with contamination-based obsessive-compulsive symptoms: Stronger response urgency to disgusting stimuli in disgust-prone individuals. Frontiers in Psychiatry.

Kühne, F., Paunov, T., Abramowitz, J. S., Fink-Lamotte, J., Hansen, B., Kvale, G., & Weck, F. (2021). Screening for obsessive-compulsive symptoms: Validation of the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale – English and German short forms. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 29.


Fink-Lamotte, J., Widmann, A., Fader, J., & Exner, C. (2020). Interpretation bias and contamination-based obsessive-compulsive symptoms influence emotional intensity related to disgust and fear. PLoS One, 15(4): e0232362.

Fink-Lamotte, J., Lüders, J., & Exner, C. (2020). Enhancing motivation for exposure to disgust - A feasibility study with a non-clinical sample. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 25, 1-7.

Fink, J. & Exner, C. (2019). Does transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) improve disgust regulation through imagery rescripting? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 

Fink, J., & Exner, C. (2019). Reduktion von Zwangssymptomen durch „nicht-invasive“ Hirnstimulation - Eine kritische Einordnung der Evidenz. Psychotherapeut, 64(3), 225-231.


Fink, J., Pflugradt, E., Stierle, C., & Exner, C. (2018). Changing disgust through imagery rescripting and cognitive reappraisal in contamination-based obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 54, 36-48.

Fink, J., Buchta, F., & Exner, C. (2018). Differential response patterns to disgust-related pictures. Cognition and Emotion, 32(8), 1678-1690.

Fink, J., Krämer, L., Lüttke, S., Richter, J., von Dawans, B., & Kogler, L. (2018).Nachwuchswissenschaftler in der Klinischen Psychologie und Psychotherapie: Vorteile und Barrieren einer DGPs-Mitgliedschaft. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 47, 126-136.

Moritz, S., Fink, J., Miegel, F., Nitsche, K., Kraft, V., Tonn, P. & Jelinek, L. (2018). Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by a lack of adaptive coping rather than an excess of maladaptive coping. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 42(5), 650-660.


Fink, J., Hendrikx, F., Stierle, C., Stengler, K., Jahn, I., & Exner, C. (2017). The impact of attentional and emotional demands on memory performance in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 50, 60-68.

1shared first authorship