Welcome to the Working Group of Clinical Psychology
Learn more about individuals in the working group, their careers, research interests and projects, publications, and teaching activities.
Find out about current research projects of the department on these pages.
Here you get an overview of the publications of the working group.
- currently none
In the media
- 03.09.2024: GEO Psychology ‘The influence of disgust: how revulsion shapes our lives’
- 28.08.2024: Children ask, scientists answer (page 13)
- 22 August 2024: Our employee Lars Rothkegel as an expert on RTL Punkt 12 on the subject of arachnophobia
- 5 March 2024: ZDF TerraXPlore: Disgust
- 24 January 2024: SWR2 Wissen episode on disgust
- 15.12.2023: OCDLand Podcast episode: Contamination and Disgust in Compulsions (#27)
- 28.11.2023: MAZ Advent calendar ‘A kind of psycho-social network’, Interview
- 22.11.2023: RBB: Our colleague Marie Pelzer is on strike for better working conditions at the university
- 15 November 2023: Waschhaus Potsdam - JFL's appearance in the Science Slam
- 20 October 2023: Shame and Disgust in the Tagesspiegel / PNN
- 1 October 2023: On Disgust and Shame, in the UP magazine