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The Team Bids Farewell

After three and a half eventful years, our team is bidding farewell to the University of Potsdam at the end of February. Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke has accepted a position at the University of Oldenburg and, together with David Bender, Hanna Hodel, and Anita Knappe, will continue her research on innovation networks. We thank all colleagues, cooperation partners, and especially our students for the exciting time in Potsdam.

Getting started thanks to mentoring - article about Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke's work as a mentor

The current issue of the university magazine Portal (available in German only) highlights the work of Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke as an EXIST mentor. In collaboration with the Startup Service at the University of Potsdam, she supports startup teams in transforming scientific ideas into practice, leveraging her expertise in the interplay of networks and innovation. Through her expertise, she helps foster the transfer of knowledge and technology between research and practical application.

entire edition

pp. 88 and 89

PhD Student Research Exchange (Potsdam meets Liverpool)

Charlie Harding and Anita Knappe, two PhD students of Prof. Julia Brennecke, recently visited the University of Potsdam and the University of Liverpool through a British Council grant, fostering crucial knowledge exchange between the universities to drive organizational research and address contemporary challenges. The visits featured insightful seminars led by Prof. Mikkel Flyverbom and inspiring exchanges with by the grant members, setting the stage for future collaborative projects. The focus areas included innovation management, digitalization, and social network research, to build bridges between nations to promote innovation through research in turbulent times.

Kickoff Workshop for the DFG Project "Positive and Negative Network Ties of Entrepreneurial Households in Sub-Saharan Africa – Drivers, Interplay, and Consequences"

On October 25, 2024, we held the kickoff workshop for our new DFG project. This project aims to significantly advance the understanding of social networks of entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa and the influence of these networks on entrepreneurs’ overall well-being.

The three project applicants (Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke, University of Potsdam; Prof. Dr. Christiana Weber, Leibniz University Hanover; and Prof. Dr. Anja Fasse, HSWT & TU Munich, Campus Straubing) met with their doctoral students (Johanna Fischer, Leibniz University Hannover, and Hanna Hodel, University of Potsdam) at the Griebnitzsee Campus in Potsdam. During the meeting, the team set a broad timeline for the project’s three-year duration and outlined initial steps toward reaching the first milestones and drafting the first manuscripts.

The workshop was highly productive, and we’re excited about the next steps and the collaboration ahead!

University of Liverpool Delegates Visit University of Potsdam

The Chair for Innovation Management and the Junior Chair of Business Information Systems, esp. AI-based Application Systems, at the University of Potsdam recently welcomed delegates from the University of Liverpool Management School for a two-day visit, funded by the British Council's UK-Germany Springboard programme.
Highlights of the exchange visit included a tour of the Startup Service, a visit at the Centre for Industry 4.0, participation in the International Startup Service Anniversary Event, and discussions on joint research under the "MaDiTra  - Manufacturing and Digital Transformation: A Business Model Innovation Perspective" grant theme.
Thank you to everyone involved for making this a successful and inspiring visit. We look forward to continuing our collaboration!

Prof. Brennecke Awarded “Best Reviewer” for the Academy of Management Journal

Prof. Brennecke participated with two presentations at this year’s Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago, the most important academic conference in the field of management. There, she was also awarded “Best Reviewer” for the Academy of Management Journal.

Application deadlines for seminars

The application deadline for our seminars ends on October 7th, midnight. This applies to the seminars: bachelor project BSKBWL120, sustainable innovation management BVMBWL510 and the research seminar MFSBWL110.

Please note this deadline and register in time to secure your place. Further information and registration options can be found on our website.

DFG application for research grant approved

We are pleased that an application for DFG project funding by Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Christiana Weber from the University of Hannover and Prof. Dr. Anja Faße from the HSWT and TUM was approved in March 2024. The project on the topic of "Positive and Negative Network Ties of Entrepreneurial Households in Sub-Saharan Africa - Drivers, Interplay and Consequences" aims to examine the social networks of entrepreneurs in Tanzania in more detail. You can find more information here.

Joint PhD workshop in Liverpool

In March, three doctoral students from the University of Potsdam had the opportunity to take part in a two-day workshop on “The Fuzzy-Front End of New Paper Development: A Design-Thinking Approach” at the University of Liverpool, co-organized by Professor Brennecke. Doctoral students and renowned researchers from the University of Groningen, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Copenhagen Business School also took part in the event. The event was not only an opportunity for academic training, but also an inspiring forum for building networks and exchanging ideas.

Start of the winter semester 2023/24

We wish all our students a successful start to the new semester and look forward to working with them.

In the first week of lectures, Prof. Brennecke welcomed many new students in her kick-off event for the introduction to business administration and gave a first overview of the topics.

Introduction of new professors Prof. Brennecke

On 11 October, Professor Brennecke gave a lecture on the topic of "Organisational Networks as an Infrastructure for Innovation" as part of her presentation of new professors at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, followed by a discussion about the topic with colleagues and guests during a reception.

New article accepted for publication:

“Theorizing about the Implications of Multiplexity: An Integrative Typology” by Professor Brennecke co-authored with Professors Gokhan Ertug and Stefano Tasselli has just been accepted for publication by the Academy of Management Annals (VHB-Jourqual A). You can access the article here.

LPDW - Liverpool-Potsdam Doctoral Workshop

This week we were happy to welcome doctoral students from the University of Liverpool to the University of Potsdam for our 2-day workshop. During these two days, PhD students from both universities had the opportunity to spend time with other network scholars and participate in interactive sessions to present and discuss their current work.

Thank you Nikolaos Papageorgiadis for joining and thanks everyone for your great contributions.

Success in the Innovation Management Project Seminar

As part of their bachelor and research project, our students participated in the Germany 4.0 competition in the winter semester of 22/23, and developed innovative concepts for current challenges based on design thinking and scientific work. We congratulate the students of the three teams who have advanced to the next round of the competition and are excited to share in their success.

The Challenge:

The Deutschland 4.0 competition challenges teams to solve problems posed by companies. This year's challenges came from companies such as EEW, Wüstenrot & Württembergische, LBBW, STEAG, and Nussbaum.

Below are the approaches of the teams to the respective challenges.


Team 2's Solution Approach (EEW):

EEW sees potential for improvement in the composition of waste delivered to their incineration plants, as waste key numbers are often too general. To solve this problem, they propose to develop a software-based program that aggregates all useful data during waste delivery to create a better decision-making basis. The data is transmitted in real-time via sensors and continuously evaluated.

Team 3's Solution Approach (Wüstenrot & Württembergische):

Our students' Women of Wealth concept offers innovative financial education for women, aimed at enabling them to take control of their finances through personalized app content. Women face financial injustices such as the Gender Pension Gap, the Gender Pay Gap, the Gender Lifetime Earning Gap, and the Gender Care Gap, and financial education is critical to closing these gaps.

Team 4's Solution Approach (LBBW):

The actors in a supply chain want more transparency, collaboration, and seamless data exchange to create manageable and transparent securities and improve liquidity. The solution utilizes blockchain technology and connects it with other modern technologies and ERP systems to ensure transparency, traceability, and security. The connection with a sidechain also enables the trading of digital assets, and the solution is considered a disruptive innovation.


The chair wishes the teams the best of luck in the further course of the competition!

EY guest lecture

On January 10, 2023, Ernst & Young (EY) was a guest in Professor Brennecke's lecture “Introduction to Business Administration”. Linda Reinert and Patrick Engelbach worked together to explain to the students how the accounting firm wants to address climate change and why it relies on circular economy.
More emphasis should be placed on decarbonization and green business models. The explanations were complemented by an exciting discussion with the students.

New article accepted for publication

The Role of Speed ​​in Tie Formation" by Professor Brennecke and two colleagues from Singapore Management University and Radboud University has just been accepted for publication by the Journal of Management (VHB-Jourqual A, FT50 journal). You can access the article here.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning von Grünberg, Tahani Adnan, Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke
Photo: R. Seidemann

Transfer and Innovation management

On Monday, October 17, the new semester started not only for many students of the University of Potsdam, but also for the Chair of Business Administration, especially Innovation Management. This semester we are pleased to offer the module Tranfser and Innovation Management together with the Chair of Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The goal of the course is to enable students to collaborate across disciplines and develop transfer strategies for a real science-based technology.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning von Grünberg, Tahani Adnan, Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke
Photo: R. Seidemann

Gastvortrag im Seminarraum
Photo: Robert Seidemann

Guest lecture in the course Innovation Management - IP - Intellectual property protection

On January 12, 2022, Potsdam Transfer organized a guest lecture for our master's course Innovation Management. Dr. Sascha Gohlke from the Transfer Service and the patent attorney Dr. Kaaweh Molawi from Hertin & Partner gave a lecture on why patents and intellectual property rights are of great importance in securing innovation. The lecture was complemented by a lively discussion with the students. We are looking forward to further cooperation with Potsdam Transfer! 

Gastvortrag im Seminarraum
Photo: Robert Seidemann