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The chair of „Embedded Systems Architectures for Signalprocessing“ has been established as a joint appointment of the University of Potsdam and the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin / Germany. The research activities are focused on three main areas.

Image- and Videoprocessing

The first focus is the research on new algorithms of signal processing in the field of image and video signal processing. We are working on methods for the three-dimensional detection, processing and recognition of objects, as well on the design of algorithms for video data compression with the aim of standardization. Methods of machine learning cover a subarea of the algorithms to be applied. Mutual optimization of the algorithms and corresponding target hardware architectures is one of the core competency of the research group.


The second area is devoted to the research of heterogeneous computer architectures in particular for high-speed signal processing. In doing so, architectures are explored, can be found in embedded systems, but can also be part of powerful server architectures, e.g. to process special algorithms efficiently and to speed up their execution. The increase in the application specific computational power while at the same time reducing power loss is the primary goal. The primary target architectures are reconfigurable computing systems using the latest FPGA architectures.

HW/SW Co-Design Methodologies

Within the work of the third research area, methods for HW/SW-Codesign are being researched, whereas corresponding analytical methods e.g. memory profiling techniques taking a special place. The methods developed so far have been implemented in respect to the design of embedded many core systems. A corresponding adaptation to a wider range of heterogeneous computer systems in particular reconfigurable many core architectures is a further research objective.
