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You can get to Potsdam by public transportation from the Berlin Brandenburg Airport or from Berlin Main Station.

We recommend checking the current travel plans and tickets via:


1. From Berlin Brandenburg Airport to Potsdam Hbf

Train: The quickest and most convenient way to get from BER Airport to Potsdam Hbf is by train. Take the RB 22 to S Griebnitzsee Bhf. The travel duration is approximately 1 hour. Ticket tariff: Berlin BC

Bus: The airportShuttle BER2 runs between Potsdam Hbf and the airport. The buses stop directly at the entrance to Terminal 1. Ticket: The VBB tariff plus a comfort surcharge of EUR 6 per journey applies on this line, and only EUR 5 per journey for holders of VBB season tickets or Deutschlandticket. The one-way journey therefore costs EUR 10.00 or EUR 9.00 (Berlin BC + surcharge). Please visit for more information:

Car: If you are renting a car or taking a taxi, the journey time from BER Airport to Potsdam Hbf is about 40-50 minutes depending on traffic. The distance is around 50 kilometers.

2. From Berlin Hbf to Potsdam Hbf

Train: This is the most popular and convenient option. Several trains run between the two stations, including:

  - S-Bahn: The S-Bahn (S7 line) is the slowest option. It runs every 10 minutes and takes about 35 minutes to get from Berlin Hbf to Potsdam Hbf.

  - Regionalbahn (RE): The regional trains (RE1 and RB23) are a bit faster than the S-Bahn, taking about 25 minutes to complete the journey. They runs less frequently than the S-Bahn.

Bus: There are no direct buses between Berlin Hbf and Potsdam Hbf.  This option is generally not recommended as it's less convenient and takes longer than the train.

Car: Taking a taxi or rideshare service is the fastest option, but it can also be the most expensive. The journey time by car is typically between 30-45 minutes depending on traffic conditions.

3. From Potsdam Hbf to MAXX Hotel Sanssouci Potsdam

The MAXX Hotel Sanssouci Potsdam is conveniently located just 2 kilometers from Potsdam Hauptbahnhof. Conference venue is located in Luisenplatz, which is directly served by the bus and tram station Luisenplatz-Süd/Park Sanssouci.

Tram: Tram line 91 runs from Potsdam Hbf to Luisenplatz-Süd/Park Sanssouci.  The journey takes about 10 minutes and departs every 10-15 minutes. Tickets can be purchased from vending machines within the tram or via the VBB APP. Ticket tariff: Potsdam AB.

Bus: Several bus lines can take you from Potsdam Hauptbahnhof to near the MAXX Hotel Sanssouci.  We recommend taking 605 or 631. The journey time will vary depending on the specific bus route and traffic conditions, but it is generally between 10-15 minutes. Tickets can be purchased from vending machines within the tram or via the VBB APP. Ticket tariff: Potsdam AB.

Walking: If you enjoy walking and have some time, you can easily walk from Potsdam Hauptbahnhof to the MAXX Hotel Sanssouci in about 30 minutes. This is a pleasant route that takes you through the city center.

Taxi: This is the fastest and most convenient option, particularly if you have luggage. The ride should take around 5 minutes.