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Seminar Theoretical Chemistry

The seminar typically takes place on Wednesday from 14:15 till 15:45 in room D.1.02.

It is a seminar for the workgroup, but all interested people, PhD students and other students are invited.
For questions please contact Evgenii Titov: titov@uni-potsdam.de

Seminar Winter 2024/2025

Date Time, Room Speaker, Affiliation Title
16.10.2024 14:15, House 5, Room 0.11 (!) Maya Heine (HUB) Reactivity of CO2 with solvated electrons at the NH3/Cu(111) interface: first steps
25.10.2024 (Friday!) 13:00, D.1.02 Prof. Dr. Daniel Boese (University of Graz) Intermolecular Interactions in Dimers and Molecular Crystals
30.10.2024 14:15, D.1.02 Richard Gundermann (UP) test talk of master's defence: First-Principles Study of Defect Assisted Nonradiative Transitions at Perovskite/Fullerene Interfaces
06.11.2024 14:15, D.1.02 Bonasree Roy (UP) From Nonadiabatic Processes in Adamantane and its Derivatives to Photodissociation in Thiouracil
11.11.2024 (Monday!) 14:15, F.0.15 (!) Prof. Dr. Daria Popova-Gorelova (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg) Theoretical description of ultrafast x-ray imaging and spectroscopy of electron dynamics
20.11.2024 14:15, D.1.02 Paul Albrecht A deep dive into HHG - Ionization and strong coupling methods
04.12.2024 14:15, D.1.02 Dr. Stephan Kupfer (Friedrich Schiller University of Jena) Modelling chemical reactivity in complex environments - a journey from plasmonics to photocatalysis
16.12.2024 (Monday!) 16:15, F.1.01 / (GDCh-Kolloquium) Prof. Dr. Thomas Heine (TU Dresden) Magnetic Carbon
15.01.2025 14:15, D.1.02 Dr. Hendrik Heenen (FHI) Extensive Sampling of Catalytic Interfaces: Surface Evolution and Reaction Kinetics
05.02.2025 14:15, D.1.02 Jonathan Eifler (UP) (i) Catalytic Reactions on Gold Surfaces and (ii) Redox Potentials of Cu-Catalysts
12.02.2025 14:15, D.1.02 Dr. Monika Leibscher (FU Berlin) Controlling chiral observables of randomly oriented molecules
19.02.2025 14:15, F.0.15 Elham Mazarei (UP) (a) Surface Hopping Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Reaction of Pyrene and CH3Cl, (b) Mechanism of Functionalization and Vibrational Properties of Functionalized Graphene Layers with Hydroxyl and Triphenylmethyl Groups, (c) Mechanisms of photochemical reactions at metallic nanoparticles
19.02.2025 14:15, F.0.15 Dr. Deepak Ojha (UP) Vibrational spectroscopy of water in confinment and surfaces
03.03.2025 (Monday!) 16:15, F.1.01 / Institutskolloqium Dr. Evgenii Titov (UP) Modelling photophysics and photochemistry of molecular systems: From individual chromophores to multichromophoric assemblies
10.03.2025 (Monday!) 13:30, D.1.02 Lina Eitinger (FU Berlin) Investigation of pH-responsive Optical Properties of Multi-Chromophoric Sensor Molecules