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Vortrag "Der alltägliche Wahnsinn"

Am 27.08.2013 hielt Prof. Dr. Ludwig seinen Vortrag "Der alltägliche Wahnsinn" auf der Berliner Sommeruni.

Am 27.08.2013 hielt Prof. Dr. Ludwig seinen Vortrag "Der alltägliche Wahnsinn" auf der Berliner Sommeruni. Der Vortrag wurde am 05.11.2013 im …

WIPCAD-Welcome Week for the new fellows, October 2013, Potsdam / Germany

In the second week of October 2013, the five new WIPCAD doctoral fellows will be welcomed at University of Potsdam with a special welcome program, …

Invitation: ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques, 14-21 February 2014, Vienna / Austria

The ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques (WSMT) is an annual event, complementing the ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques (SSMT) …

Invitation: 5th ECPR Graduate Student Conference, 3-5 July 2014, University of Innsbruck

The Graduate Student Conference is specifically tailored to the needs of graduate students looking to gain valuable political science conference …

Invitation: Joint PhD-Training School on "Local Public Sector Reforms", 30 Sept-2 Oct 2013, Paris / France

In fall 2013, the University of Oslo, the Norwegian Centre in Paris and the COST action will offer a Joint PhD-Training School on the theme of local …

Call for Papers: Public Management and Administration Postgraduate Conference, 8‐9 May 2013, Birmingham / UK

The Inaugural Public Management and Administration Postgraduate Conference 8th‐9th May 2013, Aston University, Birmingham, UK Are you a PhD student …

Call for Papers: Comparative Policy Analysis Conference, 27-30 November, Leuven / Netherlands

CELEBRATORY COMPARATIVE POLICY ANALYSIS CONFERENCE:15 YEARS to the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Routledge and 10 YEARS to the …

WIPCAD 2013 Application Call for 5 doctoral fellowships closed

The application call for five doctoral fellowships, starting October 1, 2013 ended on 25 March 2013. We thank many talented young researchers for …

Call for Applications: ECPR Summer School on Interest Groups, 3-10 July 2013, Barcelona / Spain

Summer School on Interest Groups and Agenda Setting in Multilevel Systems of Governance Convenors: Caelesta Braun (Vu University Amsterdam) Laura …

Call for Papers: 2013 EGPA Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration, 11-13 Sept 2013, Edinburgh / Scotland

EGPA Permanent Study Group XIV: EU Administration and Multilevel Governance Conference Topic: Multilevel Government and Governance in Europe: …
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