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Basic Module: Introduction to Synchronic Linguistics

The basic module on Linguistics (BM-Lin) will be among the first modules students will be attending when they start any BA program in English or English and American Studies.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I take the Introduction to Linguistics?
Ideally, you would complete the entire introductory module in your first term.

Do I have to pass Pt. I before I can attend Pt. II?
No, but as Pt. I also covers a general introduction to linguistics, we recommend not reversing the order of classes. However, it is possible (and, actually, recommended) to take both classes in the same term.

My instructors tell me they are teaching according to the 'traditional/old' or the 'inverted classroom/new' model. What's up with that?
This refers to teaching methods: the 'traditional/old' system is based on more 'frontal' teaching, the 'new' system is based on the Inverted Classroom Model, where you can watch a slidecast on content before class and only work on exercises and questions in class. You are free to choose the class with whichever model you prefer - your instructors will provide you with more detailed insight on their teaching/learning procedure at the start of term.

Am I automatically signed up for the module exam once I have signed up for both seminars?
No, you will have to separately register for the module exam (also via PULS) . Please keep in mind that there are deadlines (see below).

Do I have to take the module exam immediately after attending both classes?
In principle, you are free to postpone it to the resit or even later. However, it is our experience that students generally do best if not too much time passes between taking the classes and taking the exams.

What if I don't pass on my first try?
As with every other exam, you have three attempts to pass the module exam. Each term, there will be one resit exam (March/September) in addition to the exam in February/July. If you do not pass the exam on your first attempt, you can either take the resit or postpone it to a later term. If the resit exam was your first attempt, or if you do not pass on your second try either, you will have to wait until the next term for your second or final attempt.

I only want to retake the exam, without having to attend the seminars again. Is this possible? If so, how can I keep up-to-date on important dates and deadlines?
This is possible. You will find the exam dates here (see below). If you have questions beyond that, please contact the coordinator of the module.

Can I take advanced linguistics classes without having passed the module exam?
Even though PULS allows you to start with the Aufbaumodul 'Entwicklung und Variation der englischen Sprache' without having finished the introductory module, all advanced linguistics classes will presuppose knowledge of basic linguistic terms and concepts, so it is highly recommended to only attend them after you have finished the entire module.


Module Manager: Apl. Prof. Dr. Ilse Wischer