Dr. Susanne Reinhardt
Dept. of English and American Studies
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 19, Room 1.34
14469 Potsdam, Germany
Please email me for an appointment.
Bei Nachfragen zum Studiengang Linguistik im Kontext und zur Eignungsprüfung Englisch kontaktieren Sie mich bitte via E-Mail für einen Termin.
If you would like me to supervise your paper, please first read the document on 'How to write seminar, module and final papers' (available here), then contact me for an appointment.
Academic Background
since 10/2022 | Lecturer in Applied Linguistics (Department for English and American Studies, University of Potsdam) |
03/2020 - 06/2022 | PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics PhD Thesis: 'Assessing Interactional Competence: Developing Candidate Criterial Features for the Assessment of L2 Repair Skills through Empirical Analysis of L1 German EFL Learners’ Performances' |
09/2019-07/2021 | Vocational Studies in Industrial and Communications Psychology M.Sc. Thesis: 'Onboarding in Zeiten von Corona: Eine qualitative Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten online-basierter und online-gestützter Gestaltung organisationaler Sozialisationsprozesse im öffentlichen Dienst.' FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW, Austria |
04/2018-09/2022 | Substitute Lecturer in English Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (Chair for Present-Day English Language and Linguistics, University of Potsdam) |
03/2014-03/2019 | Lecturer in English Linguistics (Chair for Present-Day English Language and Linguistics, University of Potsdam) |
10/2013-03/2014 | Independent Lecturer in English Linguistics (Department for English and American Studies, University of Potsdam) |
2011-2013 | Graduate Studies in Foreign Language Linguistics M.A. Thesis: ‘The Perception of of Non-Native Consonant Clusters by German Native Speakers‘ University of Potsdam |
2009/2010 | University of Hull (ERASMUS grant) |
2007-2011 | Undergraduate Studies in English and American Studies / General History University of Potsdam |
- Interactional Linguistics and Conversation Analysis
- (Lexico)Semantics, grammar, phonetics and multimodality in conversation
- Multimodality in interaction
- Interactional Competence
- Developmental trajectories of language-learners' interactional skills (current focus: repair)
a) Applied Linguistics
b) Present-Day English (structure and use)
- Introductory classes in linguistics and SLA
- Advanced classes on pragmatics and language structure(s) in social (everyday and institutional) interaction
- MA courses on CA-informed EFL teaching and assessment, Second Language Acquisition, classroom interaction
Publications and Presentations
- Reinhardt, Susanne & Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar (2024). The Assessment of Oracy in the EFL Classroom: Introducing a Conversation-Analytic Method for Evaluating Interactional Skills. In: Reckermann, Julia, Siepmann, Philipp & Matz, Frauke (eds.). Oracy in English Language Education: Insights from Practice-Oriented Research. Springer.
- Aldrup, Marit, Küttner, Uwe-A., Lechler, Constanze & Reinhardt, Susanne (2021). Suspended assessments in German talk-in-interaction. In: Kupetz, Maxi & Friederike Kern (Hrsg.). Prosodie in der multimodalen Welt. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 31-66.
- Reinhardt, Susanne (2015). Rezension zu: Arnulf Deppermann / Susanne Günthner (Hgg.): Temporality in Interaction. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins 2015. In: Gesprächsforschung – Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 16, 285-299.
Conference Presentations
- Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar & Reinhardt, Susanne (9 September 2022). Assessing L2 Interactional Competence: Basic Ingredients. International Conference ‘Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language' (ICOP-L2). Barcelona, Spain.
- Reinhardt, Susanne (8 September 2022). Ad-hoc Translating as an Option for Self-Repair: Tracing Changes in L2 Learners’ Use of and Orientation to L1-based Repair Practices. International Conference ‘Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language' (ICOP-L2). Barcelona, Spain.
- Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar & Reinhardt, Susanne (in collaboration with Britta Freitag-Hild) (11 June 2021). Oracy in English as a foreign language: Assessing speaking skills from a conversation-analytic perspective. Symposium 'Fostering and Assessing Oracy in Foreign Language Education: Perspectives from Practice-Oriented and Design-Based Research', Münster, Germany.
- Reinhardt, Susanne (21 July 2017). Tying next turns to question-answer sequences: How links between linguistic forms contextualize different kinds of sequence continuation. 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, UK, 16-21 July 2017.
- Reinhardt, Susanne (19 September 2016). Tying post-expansions to question-answer sequences – an Interactional-Linguistic perspective on cohesion. 4th conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, Poznan, Poland, 18-21 September 2016 [Poster].