CEPA connects about 40 junior and senior research fellows from the University of Potsdam and partnered research institutes from the Potsdam and Berlin area like the DIW, the MCC and the PIK. Our aim is to conduct empirical research that is relevant to society and especially to economic policy making. If you want to suggest a new CEPA research fellow, please find more information on the nomination procedure here.
- Caliendo, Marco (Prof. Dr.)
Speaker of CEPA
- Degenhardt, Felix (M.Sc)
Discussion Papers and Organisational Support of CEPA
- Margaryan, Shushanik (Dr.)
Potsdam Research Seminar in Economics (PRSE)
- Markowsky, Eva (Dr.)
Social Media
Senior Research Fellows
- Andres, Maximilian (Dr.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Markets, Competition and Institutions
- Bindler, Anna (Prof. Dr.)
Head of the Applied Microeconomics Department, DIW Berlin Professor for Applied Microeconomics
- Borck, Rainald (Prof. Dr.)
Professor of Public Economics
- Bruttel, Lisa (Prof. Dr.)
Professor of Markets, Competition and Institutions
- Caliendo, Marco (Prof. Dr.)
Professor of Empirical Economics and Speaker of CEPA
- Deter, Max (Dr.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Public Economics
- Eydam, Ulrich (Dr.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Economic Growth, Integration and Sustainable Development. Project Ariadne
- Graeber, Daniel (Dr.)
Research Associate, DIW Berlin
- Heinemann, Maik (Prof. Dr.)
Professor of Economic Growth, Integration and Sustainable Development
- Huber, Katrin (Dr.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Empirical Economics
- Kalkuhl, Matthias (Prof. Dr.)
Head of the working group Economic Growth and Human Development, MCC. Professor of Climate Change, Development and Economic Growth
- Kinne, Lavinia (Dr.)
Research Associate of the Gender Economics Research Group, DIW Berlin
- Kriegler, Elmar (Prof. Dr.)
Head of the Research Department "Transformation Pathways", Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
- Kritikos, Alexander (Prof. Dr.)
Research Director Entrepreneurship, DIW Berlin. Professor for Industrial and Institutional Economics
- Margaryan, Shushanik (Dr.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Economic Policy
- Markowsky, Eva (Dr.)
Assistant professor in Quantitative Economics
- Sedova, Barbora (Dr.)
FutureLab Leader, PIK Potsdam
- Siedler, Thomas (Prof. PhD.)
Professor of Economic Policy
- Tjaden, Jasper (Prof. Dr.)
Professor of Applied Social Research and Public Policy
- Werner, Vasilisa (Dr.)
Postdoc, Chair of Markets, Competition and Institutions
- Wrohlich, Katharina (Prof. Dr.)
Head of the research group "Gender Economics", DIW Berlin. Professor of Public Finance, Gender and Family Economics
Junior Research Fellows
- Degenhardt, Felix (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Empirical Economics; PhD Student, Berlin School of Economics/University of Potsdam
- Fromme, Friedericke (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Markets, Competition and Institutions
- Gałkiewicz, Agata Danuta (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Economics, in particular Economic Policy
- Garamow, Adelina (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Economic Growth, Integration and Sustainable Development
- Henkel, Theresa (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Economics, in particular Economic Policy; PhD Student, Berlin School of Economics/University of Potsdam
- Hügemann, Sunna (M.Sc.)
PhD Student Berlin School of Economics
- Klobes, Louis (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant & PhD Student at Berlin School of Economics , Chair of Empirical Economics
- Leupold, Florian (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Economic Growth, Integration and Sustainable Development
- Moretti, Nikolaj (M.Sc.)
PhD Student at MCC Berlin and University of Potsdam
- Nithammer, Juri (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Markets, Competition and Institutions
- Olthaus, Rebecca (M.Sc.)
PhD Student at Berlin School of Economics
- Qualo, Hannes (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Economic Growth, Integration and Sustainable Development
- Santonja di Fonzo, Adrián (M.Sc.)
PhD student, DIW - Energy, Transportation, Environment Department
- Schäper, Clara (M.Sc.)
PhD Student, Berlin School of Economics and DIW
- Schmeißer, Aiko (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Empirical Economics; PhD Student, Berlin School of Economics/University of Potsdam
- Volintiru, Andra (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Public Economics
- Wagner, Sophie (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Empirical Economics
- Boggiano, Barbara (PhD.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Alberta and Bank of Canada
- Brenner, Andri (Dr.)
Research Associate, Projektträger Jülich
- Gohl, Niklas (Dr.)
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Berlin
- König, Tobias (Dr.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Bonn
- Lange, Martin (Dr.)
- Matthewes, Sönke H. (Dr.)
Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
- Obst, Cosima (Dr.)
Data Analyst, Obi next
- Orland, Andreas (Dr.)
Senior Reserach Fellow, Corvinus University of Budapest
- Rodríguez, Daniel (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Chair of Empirical Economics
- Rzepka, Sylvi (Dr.)
Data Scientist, Deutsche Bahn
- Schrauth, Philipp (Dr.)
Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin
- Späth, Maximilian (Dr.)
Data Analyst, Conrad Electronic SE
- Stier, Claudia (M.Sc.)
Bavarian State Office for Statistics, Fürth
- Tübbicke, Stefan (Dr.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
- Wanner, Joschka (Prof. Dr.)
Assistant Professor of Quantitative International and Environmental Economics, University of Würzburg
- Wittbrodt, Linda (Dr.)
Postdoctoral Researcher, SÖSTRA Berlin
- Ziemann, Niklas (M.Sc.)
Research Assistant, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg