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Last call: PhD-course on Public Policy and Administration,17-19 October 2012, Oslo / Norway

Course content

The course aims at giving an overview of some organisation theory approaches and their application in empirical research. One key focus is on explaining organizational and institutional change. Another is on the effects of organisational and institutional change. How do organisations’ structure, institutionalisation, demography and locus affect actual decision behaviour? Empirical examples are mainly drawn from the executive branch of government at the national, supranational and local level.


Only access for Ph.D. students and invited participants.

Ph.D. students at the University of Oslo register for the course in StudentWeb.

Other Interested participants can send an e-mail to


No obligatory prerequisites beyond the minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway.


Course leaders:

  • Professor Tom Christensen, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, and Rokkan Centre, University of Bergen
  • Professor Morten Egeberg, Department of Political Science and ARENA – Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo

Other lecturers:

  • Johan P. Olsen, ARENA, University of Oslo
  • Åse Gornitzka, Department of Political Science and ARENA, University of Oslo

Exam information

Active participation in seminar discussions and completion of an analytical essay (7,500–10,000 words) is required to pass the course.


Department of Political Science

P.O.Box 1097 Blindern
N - 0317 Oslo

Phone: +47 22 85 51 81
E-mail: ekspedisjonstv.uiono