The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam is calling for applications for its DFG Research Training Group on “Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy” (WIPCAD). The Research Training Group studies the interrelationships between “wicked” policy problems and the development of administrative organizations, including inter-organizational settings.
Up to 8 Doctoral Fellowships
Applicants must hold a Diploma or a Master’s degree in political and administrative sciences, sociology or public management. In exceptional cases, graduates with degrees from closely related fields may be considered. Key selection criteria are the quality of the PhD proposal, its fit with the overall thematic agenda of the Research Training Group, its innovative potential and its likely contribution to the state of knowledge in public administration.
Doctoral fellows will receive a monthly scholarship of € 1365 for up to 36 months, contingent on successful completion of each year.
1 Qualifying Fellowship
We also provide one scholarship for a qualifying fellow for a one year period with a monthly scholarship of € 800. This fellowship is targeted at excellent BA students or students of German universities of applied sciences with clear academic potential.
Doctoral and qualifying fellowships will start October 1, 2012. Applications should be submitted by March 30, 2012 via e-mail to
International students are strongly encouraged to apply.
The Faculty strives to increase the share of women in the university and hence strongly encourages women to apply. Applicants with disabilities who are equally qualified will be favored. Applicants with alternative sources of funding are welcome.