Welcome to the hompage of the Department of Cellular Physiology of Nutrition
Our laboratory integrates within the research focus of the Institute of Nutritional Sciences on "Molecular Mechanisms of Nutrition-Dependent Homeostasis and Dysfunction." In the lab we investigate cellular membrane processes involved in lipid metabolism in health and metabolic diseases. In particular, we are interested in 50-80 nm sized plasma membrane invaginations called caveolae. Caveolae are prominently found at the plasma membrane of adipocytes indicating an important function for their physiology. To study caveolae we are using various advanced light and electron microscopy approaches.
Additional details can be found on our website: https://www.matthaeus-lab.de
Open Positions
Students interested to participate in the lab for their Bachelor or Master thesis are encouraged to reach out to Prof. Claudia Matthäus. If interested in joining the lab as PhD candidate or Postdoc please send a cover letter stating your own research interest, CV and contact details of two references directly to Prof. Claudia Matthäus.
Currently available topics:
Bachelor Thesis: Investigation of intracellular caveolae trafficking in fibroblasts
Master Thesis: Lipidomic analysis of caveolae mediated lipid uptake in fibroblasts