Alexander Schindler, M.A. (he/him)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Knowledge Cultures and Media Environments | Erasmus+ Coordinator European Media Studies
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Haus 4, Raum 1.11
consulting hours
nach Vereinbarung
Alexander W. Schindler works at the University of Potsdam, Institute for Arts and Media. He is a Research Associate and Lecturer at the Chair of Knowledge Cultures and Media Environments, a PhD candidate in Media Studies, and the Erasmus+ Coordinator for European Media Studies.
His research is situated at the intersections of Media Anthropology, Science and Technology Studies, History of Science, New Materialism, and Pragmatist Philosophy. The two main concepts behind his research are knowledge and media. Both are never static but constantly adapted, transformed, and co-produced. Knowledge and media are mutually dependent and embedded in practices, materials, infrastructures, technologies, relationships, and bodies that both enhance and constrain human and non-human agency.
Against this background, Alexander uses media ethnographic and praxiographic methods to explore various situations of science communication study programs in academia.
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